  • 學位論文


Industrial Upgrading and Wage —An Empirical Study of Taiwan from 2003 to 2016

指導教授 : 林惠玲


本文旨在探討產業升級與薪資的關聯性。台灣薪資低落現象引發各界關注與探討,薪資長期停滯不前,不僅影響消費意願,更加劇分配不平等狀況與社會壓力,進而危及整體經濟發展。惟薪資低落問題涉及許多層面,除離析薪資下滑的原因之外,找出因應對策亦為重要議題。隨著全球競爭越趨激烈,台灣面臨產業發展瓶頸、就業結構挪移,以及附加價值率未見提升等困境,致生產力趨弱,無法驅動薪資增長。一般認為產業升級能強化經濟成長動能,當廠商生產力提升,獲利能力增加,方能創造加薪空間。 為此,本研究試圖檢視產業升級是否有助於推動實質薪資成長。我們以台灣2003年1月〜2016年12月18個業別資料為樣本,利用勞動生產力及研發資本作為產業升級的量化指標,採用固定效果模型進行實證分析,同時再分別觀察對製造業及服務業是否有不同影響。實證結果顯示,產業升級確實為推升薪資成長的驅動力,其中勞動生產力毎提高1%,約可帶動整體產業的實質與名目薪資增長0.2%,相較於先進國家名目薪資的增幅0.7%,反映的幅度不大。


This study aims to analyze the relationship between Taiwan's industrial upgrading and real wage growth. Taiwan’s real wage has been subdued for recent the 15 years. Wage slowdown tends to decrease consumption and raise income inequality. Then income inequality can increase social tension and harm economic growth. It’s a very important issue to find what factors can change wages trend. To offer an empirical investigation of the industrial upgrading is the key driver of real wage growth, we use the labor productivity and research and development as proxies for industrial upgrading. Using a panel set comprising 18 industrial monthly data covering 2003–2016 and fixed effect method, it is found the industrial upgrading is beneficial to real wages. We further explore whether the industrial upgrading helps to real wage growth in the manufacturing sector and service sector. The empirical result shows that a 1 percentage point increase in productivity growth is associated with a 0.2 percentage point increase in real and nominal wage growth, lower than advanced economies with a 0.7 percentage point increase in nominal wage growth.


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