  • 學位論文

日商進入台灣市場之市場進入策略研究 -以台灣睛姿股份有限公司為例

Taiwanese Market Entry Strategies for Japanese Companies 〜A Case Study on JINS Inc.〜

指導教授 : 吳政衛


日本將在2020年舉辦東京奧運,為此日本不管在文化、商業、娛樂方面皆積極推動國際化。以拓展海外事業為目標的日商公司也與日俱增。調查數據顯示,日商的海外據點在2005年時為35,134處,在2017年時已增為75,531處。在此之中,台灣被視為重要據點。其原因除了近年來觀光及學術交流增加外,更重要的是台灣被認定是營業收益相對高的市場。根據2018年的調查,於台灣設點的69間日商零售業之中,91.3%有盈餘。這數字顯著高於日商在其他海外市場的營收。雖然台灣可以為日商帶來營收成長,然而也有日商在台灣受到企業及市場波動而被迫撤離。普遍常見的原因是,日商只是將在日本的經營模式原封不動地帶到台灣,卻無法配合當地的文化及制度以調整。   外商進入台灣的市場進入策略不盡相同。例如,連鎖便利商店統一超商為美商和統一企業簽訂合約,新光三越百貨為日本的三越百貨與台灣的新光集團以合資公司方式成立。每種市場進入策略皆有其優缺點,而大多數日商選擇在當地尋找合作夥伴,以求在地化。相反地,比較少見日商直接成立子公司的案例。   因此,本論文將以直接在台灣設立子公司,以進行研發、販售眼鏡的日商JINS為例,探討其在台灣的市場進入策略。其中,本論文將特別針對以下三點進行論述: (1)進入市場時會遇到哪些難題?(2)面對當地文化及制度差異,以何種經營方式去應對?(3)如何劃分子公司與總公司的關係及決定權? 然而,由於JINS 台灣直至2019年為止,其營運資料尚未合併至日本母公司的財報中,使得公開資訊相對稀少。因此本次研究透過採訪JINS台灣總經理,實際向內部人員收集資料。另外,也參考現有的相似研究資料,進行初級資料和次級資料的比較。   期許本研究能提供今後日商及其他外商,未來進入台灣市場策略參考。


In 2020, Japan is once again hosting the Olympics, and this requires culture, business, and entertainment to actively take on the internationalization. Japanese companies are not an exception to this trend. In fact, the number of Japanese companies conducting overseas expansion is increasing every year. In 2005, there were 35,134 Japanese branches overseas, and this number became 75,531 in 2017. The Taiwanese market is an especially important area. This is not only because tourism and studying abroad in Taiwan are popular activities currently, but profitability in Taiwan is higher than in other markets. A report has noted that of 69 Japanese retail companies in Taiwanese markets, 91.3% are financially positive. This number is much higher than in other markets. However, the market situations and companies are unstable, and this creates difficulties for management. Companies entering the Taiwanese market are doing so through various entry modes. For instance, SEVEN-ELEVEN is licensing its brand through the Uni Group, and a joint venture was established by the SHIN KONG Group of Taiwan and the MITSUKOSHI department stores of Japan. Every entry mode has its pros and cons, but Japanese companies tend to look for local partners. In addition, it is rare for a Japanese company to establish a local branch by itself. In this thesis, we analyze the case of JINS, which sells and develops eyewear, to understand the establishment of a subsidiary in Taiwan. This research focuses on three points: (1) What kind of problems does a company face when entering the Taiwanese market? (2) How does a company overcome cultural and systematic differences through management? (3) How does a company balance control rights and decision-making between a subsidiary and headquarters? However, this study faces a limitation of data collection. Therefore, an interview was done with President of JINS Taiwan to understand the circumstances of JINS Taiwan. Additionally, we will use secondary data on JINS and other companies to compare JINS’ entry method with other entry modes. As a result, this research is expected to help companies in deciding future entry modes into the Taiwanese market. Additionally, since the retail industry has a variety of management methods, it will be an example of their entry decision.


“2018 JETRO Survey on Business Conditions of Japanese Companies in Asia and Oceania.” Japan External Trade Organization, December 20, 2018. https://www.jetro.go.jp/ext_images/en/reports/survey/pdf/rp_firms_asia_oceania2018.pdf.
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