  • 學位論文


Feasibility study of shopping mall establishment on commercial and residential complex development

指導教授 : 陳達仁


台灣住宅房地產市場,在經濟景氣低迷的環境下,近年不少房地產開發案,興起了複合式開發的風潮,住宅結合辦公樓、飯店、商場或影城等商業設施。這種開發模式對房地產開發商來說,即便周邊生活機能不佳,因建案本身即可提供機能,對住宅銷售去化有不小幫助,另外商業設施可以賺取穩定的租金收益,利多於弊有其相當的助益。 伴隨著全球化經濟發展及變遷,物聯網等電子商務的高度應用發展下,消費者的需求及其消費結構、消費習慣不斷的改變,零售通路業者必須調整脚步以因應趨勢的變化。近年來零售通路業者,在大型連鎖百貨業及電商崛起的劇烈競爭下,相較於其他的通路商,必須更積極、更快速的求新、求變,調整經營策略與市場定位更具靈活性。 在零售消費市場及房地產市場的高度競爭與發展過程,如能以住宅結合商業零售為複合式開發模式,相輔相成,必有其相當的競爭力。本文擬探討「購物商場」設置之可行性,分析地區的人口結構、年收入所得、消費支出…等等,提供產業投資參考,期為地區帶來經濟上的助益與創造人口就業機會,提供良好的居住、購物、休閒環境,促進地方經濟發展。


The sales speed of property is slow in many residential development cases because of economic downturn in Taiwan. The establishment of the commercial and residential synthesis square which has residential, office buildings, restaurants, shopping malls and cinemas is more and more popular. It is not only to speed up the sales but also to create stable long-term returns for builders. The commercial and residential synthesis is a good model for the builder because of the sales speed of project could be faster even though the environment of project is not convenient in the beginning and creating a stable rental income after commercial facilities ready in the community. The reason is global environment been changed a lot such as e-commerce has been highly applied and developed. Retailers have to adjust mind and find a solution to meet the changing trend of consumer. Retailers must be more aggressive to innovate a new business model and more flexible strategy to compete with chain department stores and e-commerce which have more challenge than other channel operators. It would be helpfully to develop ability for retailer under high competition of retail property consumption market if retailer could the business model: commercial and residential synthesis.


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