  • 學位論文


Industrial Complex Business Model, Multiple Experiences, and Long-term Management under the Changing Tourism Industry

指導教授 : 陳家麟


深耕場域開發從總策劃、規劃、設計、招商、落地運營超過十個年頭,所累積下來對於從地方和土地出發,城鄉發展的產業經驗,總體營造所需之相應資源與需求了然於心,現今亦累積足夠體量的場域主們對於筆者的信任,因此掌握較重要的話語權與服務導入建議的優勢,加上許多實驗場域的成功經驗。促使筆者下定決心從單一專案型的服務:「產業旅遊的綜合服務商」,遞延深度和廣度到「產業旅遊的全程服務商」,參與場域間的多元經營範疇與深入平台系統化的建設與服務供給,進而能在足夠體量的建構下提供金融市場相關服務。 目前逐步盤點手上從無到有、有到發揚光大,規劃設計及合作數百多座場域,有五大類型:特色小鎮、田園綜合體、觀光工廠、非遺展館/博物館到康養基地等,除了原規劃設計、顧問諮詢等專案服務,始提供其運營過程中所需之服務,並從中發現可擁有之市場空隙,建構愈加完整的頂層設計。綜合言之,首要係成為綜合場域的「類黃頁機制平台」,並依各場域現行不同進度的發展給予所需之軍火供應,再分類水平和垂直領域的不同服務去開展,發揮筆者長年推廣之「場域經濟」理念及系統,延伸到協助場域主與項目投資主體集群之「陪伴經濟」、「回憶經濟」,再透過各區之IP打造「角色經濟」、「知識經濟」的建構,達到「產銷經濟」和「效應經濟」。在所處的場域主集群與生域的生態圈中,達成頂層設計的關鍵,此圈中:擁有平台,無限想像可做倍數乘法;擁有項目,長期的現金流來累積IP;擁有IP,一開始投資多卻持續有穩健收入。 場域丰景所要打造的場域鏈平台:集成服務,以策劃、規劃、設計為「謀劃」,以營運管理、營銷引流作「催化」,以投資、建設成「造化」。從產業發展的概念創新開始,以旅遊產業為先導,整合城鄉發展、土地利用規劃、控規等產業發展規劃、建築景觀設計、工程設計等,提供一套完整的產業發展藍圖和實施路徑,同時以產業基金來解決產業項目招商引資難度高的問題,建立起資金投入與退出的全程通道,為資本找到適合的投資項目;還需要以豐富的工程管理經驗來指導旅遊工程建設,讓其達到高A級景區創建、文化特色突顯的個性化要求。以全過程開發建設的諮詢服務,來幫助旅遊項目完成前期投資可行性論證、投資協議訂、報規報建手續完善、招商引資落地、特色業態導入、竣工驗收和開業經營手續完善、資源資產權屬確認等問題;以專業的運營管理團隊為旅遊項目進行管理諮詢,通過一兩年的駐場手把手指導,培訓,來解決業主方經營管理團隊的建設、日常運營標準化建設、降低項目運營各項風險、培養出業主方自己的專業運營管理團隊等問題;以多渠道的市場營銷資源整合,來解決旅遊項目品牌形象傳播、旅遊營銷渠道建設、旅遊消費客流導入、旅遊節慶活動執行等問題;以強大的旅遊供應商整合能力,為旅遊項目注入特色IP、對接最適合的供應商、解決特色IP和供應商落地實施的路徑與技術問題;以龐大的旅遊培訓師資隊伍,為轉型期的旅遊企業提供專業、務實、全面的旅遊人才培訓,包括行業發展論壇、標準化應用培訓、從業技能培訓、服務意識培訓等,來解決行業發展的理念意識落後、專業人才短缺的問題。進而充分尊重區塊鏈層的共識機制,讓區塊鏈做決策,根據不同的產業方資源進行規劃與設計。透過大數據和區塊鏈,亦可完善如農旅中農產溯源,旅客套裝行程、訂房等之解決方案。資產上鏈,公開透明,縮多帳期,保障利多。 目前場域項目有幾大類,多數特性都為大型場域開發項目,但投資主體為大型集團/開發商或生產商(新農人/工廠主),的身分與背景差別,規模上,從單點到區域、賣場到單店,亦或授權連鎖化等,各自擁有的資源、金源也大不相同。筆者不斷在這過程中發現很多具體的商機,驗證各場域的進度和規模不同的需求具體提供。期間也在多年的專案執行中,不斷訪談探討與歸納,理出難能可貴的經驗與體認。 從專案到平台的不同路線,擴大了思維的深度與廣度,也因市場的不同,開始思考各種可能中的不可能。目前主要市場在大陸及台灣。由於上級政府所支持推到的力道,及鄉村振興和地方創生有異曲同工之妙,也隨著產業升級發展的過程前後到達一個相同的趨勢與進程,唯體量上因為大陸的地大物博與人口紅利,所以能創造的收益產值甚鉅,台灣則更重視土地與人之間的情懷與認同、尊重,更多小而美而精的地方美學出線。值得一提,隨著鄰近新興國家的興起,及休假日益增長,產業旅遊成為顯學,如全世界第四大人口國家印尼,東南亞等新興國家也開始有相應需求出現,所發展的型態又較台灣和大陸有不同的養成,更多是前者隨者時序和跨界時空延伸到一步到位的總體創建。 從土地長成的文化場域,透過產業載體和依託旅遊為途徑,有太多的驚奇在不斷地發生,沉浸於此,自得其樂,久久不能忘情,更期待能夠在逐步推進平台化的擴張中,帶給更多的場域饒富喜悅與豐盈。


I have been operating a location development business for more than 10 years. Our services include planning, strategy, design, investment, and operation. We also have a lot of experience dealing with real estate development, urban rural development, and operational resources. After years of experience in this field, property owners have come to value our suggestions and proposals. So, I decided to expand our business from simple industrial travel integrated services to full service industrial travel solutions. There are five main service categories in our hundreds service case: 1. Characteristic towns 2. Community Supported Agriculture 3. Sightseeing factories 4. Intangible heritage museums 5. Health villages There are 3 important steps: 1. To build a location business resource platform and provide support. 2. With our location business concepts & systems, help location owners generate consumer repeated purchases. 3. To help owners build IP, in order to produce economic benefits. There are 3 key in this ecosystem: 1. Developing a platform:(unlimited potential) 2. Habving a project:(continuous cash flow) 3. Building IP:(creating a stable income for the future) A location business platform should have three parts: planning, operating, and investing. Starting with this concept, we will offer a complete blueprint for industrial development and an implementation path including integrated urban & rural development, architectural landscape design, and engineering design. Meanwhile, using an industrial fund solves project investment problems in order to find a suitable project for investor. Secondly, our consultant service can help set up a contract, investment plan, opening, and operation. Thirdly, our professional operation team can arrange internal training, daily operation standard set-up, and operation risk decrease. Fourthly, multi-channel integrated resources will help create a brand image, marketing channel, and holiday festival execution. Finally, our strong vendor resources can build brand IP image, find the best sales targets, and help solve technical issues. Finally, our travel training specialists’ team can help investors and owners to build their forum, skill training, and service training in order to solve any shortages of hiring professional and qualified employees. I can target many opportunities in location development because of the wide range of the projects, the gap between location owners and project investors, and the difference business models (individual stores, chain stores, etc.). Also, I have a developed a deep understanding of this industry after years of experience and through the process of interviews, discussion and induction. I started think different during the whole process. Our primary target market is Mainland China. I feel that China has huge potential due to its continuing economic growth and large market size. I strongly believe that Taiwanese companies have a big advantage entering this market due to a shared language and cultural history. Also, with many Asian countries developing economically, there will be potential opportunities available in the region as well. I see an incredible opportunity here. I strongly believe that our location development business will have a prosperous future.


