  • 學位論文


Research on the FB operational model of the nonincumbent candidates - Take the 2018 KMT candidates running for Taipei Mayor, Taichung Mayor, and Kaohsiung Mayor as an example

指導教授 : 王宏文


由於社群網站的興起,政治人物會運用Facebook粉絲專頁來增加與選民互動的機會,並宣傳自己。本研究希望透過量化分析,瞭解政治人物在選舉期間,如何有效率地吸引選民?以及三個候選人FB經營方式及其效果的異同之處。 首先蒐集研究對象在Facebook粉絲專頁上選舉期間的所有貼文內容、該貼文的按讚數、留言數、分享數、每則直播觀看人數及所有回饋,並做全面性的統計。 結果顯示:(1)每一則貼文的平均按讚數、留言數、分享數都逐月提升。選民會因投票日越接近越主動接觸參選人的臉書。(2)參選人粉絲專頁總體表現和Google Trends網路熱度的趨勢相近。(3)參選人在粉絲專頁上的直播,均會隨投票日逼近而越來越密集。(4)圖文貼文以「形象塑造」類最受歡迎,直播貼文以「競選活動」類最受歡迎。(5)採用「口號」跟強調「自我特質」,均有助於觀看人數和回饋的提升。 本研究希望透過分析結果,能幫助政治人物在經營Facebook粉絲專頁時,訂定經營策略,吸引更多的使用者。


Facebook 粉絲專頁 政治人物 按讚 直播 經營


Due to the rising of the social media, politicians use Facebook fan page to have more opportunities to interact with voters and promote themselves. By using quantitative analysis, this study hopes to find out how politicians can effectively attract voters during the election period, as well as the similarities and differences of FB management methods and their results between three candidates. Firstly, collect all the post content of the research object on the Facebook fan page during the election, e.g. the number of likes of the post, the number of comments, the number of shares, the number of live views and all feedback, and to make a comprehensive statistics. The results show that: (1) the average number of likes, number of messages, and number of shares for each post are increased month by month. Voters will be more proactive in reaching out to the candidate's Facebook when the polling day gets closer. (2) The overall performance of the candidates fan page is similar to the trend of the Google Trends. (3) The live stream of the candidates on the fan page become more and more intensive as the voting day approaches. (4) The most popular general post is the “image shaping type”. The most popular live stream post is the “election campaign type”. (5) The use of "slogans" and the emphasis on "self-traits" all contribute to the increase in the number of viewers and feedback. It is hoped that, through the analysis result of this research, it can help the politicians to make operational strategies while managing Facebook fan pages, in order to attract more users.


Facebook Fan page politicians press live stream manage


壹、 中文部份 (依姓氏筆劃排列)
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