  • 學位論文


Establishment of Benchmarking for Irrigation Associations

指導教授 : 林國峰
共同指導教授 : 李方中(Fang-Chung Lee)


面對氣候變遷及灌溉效率不夠高等問題,國外之灌溉排水組織成功地採用標竿基準評估方法以謀求改善之道。台灣之農田水利會亦面臨氣候變遷、降雨空間時間集中、都市化造成汙染問題、人口增加致使人均用水減少等挑戰,因此本研究採用標竿基準評估方法於水利會,利用指標比較之方式使各水利會了解自身表現,並提供各水利會可努力目標,以圖改善各水利會之缺點,回應大環境的挑戰。 標竿基準評估方法之核心為關鍵績效指標,本研究參考澳洲及中國大陸使用之關鍵績效指標,擬定適用於台灣農田水利會之指標,包括:灌溉滿足度、耕種指數、單位面積用水量、單位面積渠道長度、妥善率、事業內外餘絀、事業內外益本比、單位用水利潤及單位員工利潤等九個指標。各指標表現皆能顯現各水利會於該方面之表現,期待表現最佳之水利會將成為其它水利會效仿之對象,促使水利會群體以高效率、節省水源、加強水量預估能力、提升財務自給度等方向前進。 本研究挑選之關鍵績效指標,利用106年之數據資料以標竿基準評估方法評估農田水利會後,所得結果能適度反應出各水利會特性。選取關聯指標相互比較,指標間互相影響及趨勢也與預期相符,故可知標竿基準評估法可有效運用於台灣。 本研究評估後,整體分類上可得以下之結論。在天然資源使用上,台中水利會與彰化水利會使用土地之效益最大化,花蓮水利會與台東水利會於灌溉業務上將用水效益最大化。工程方面,妥善率之表現則以台中水利會最佳。在財務部分,所有水利會皆是本業虧損,必須仰賴事業外收入,但仍有近半數在106年即使加上事業外收入,整體仍為虧損。對於個別水利會之表現,經評估後以新竹水利會在預估用水量是最佳者,可為其他水利會學習仿效;彰化水利會之餘水使用費最高,輔以耕種指數之表現,建議其可增加灌區面積。七星水利會與瑠公水利會的財務特性,反映出現今農田水利會事業重心已轉移至水利事業以外的實況。屏東水利會因其良好的河川分布使得灌溉方便,然而受限於降雨時間不均,因此採用地下水做為灌溉水源補助。花蓮水利會與台東水利會因其所在東部無工業用水之競爭,灌溉滿足度高且對於妥善率之標準可以比西部為低。 在國外採用標杆基準評估之經驗中,皆需仰賴政府之支持,故建議後續應由水利會主管機關推動。現今水利會之財務特性,偏重於業外收支的情況,建議列入未來水利會改制的考量。


To solve the problems such as climate change and low irrigation efficiency, many countries adopt benchmarking in irrigation and drainage sector. However, benchmarking in irrigation and drainage sector has never been applied in Taiwan. This study uses benchmarking in evaluating Taiwan’s Irrigation Associations to provide a pathway for efficient use of water. Benchmarking in irrigation and drainage sector has successfully adopted in several countries, but the key performance indicators are different in each country. In this study, the key performance indicators suitable for Taiwan have been identified. These key performance indicators involved four aspects: water and land, engineering, finance and staff. After evaluation using these key performance indicators, disadvantages of every irrigation and drainage sector appear. The results motivate each irrigation and drainage sector to adopt new ways to improve its performance and decrease the performance gap. After applying the benchmarking method to Taiwan’s Irrigation Associations, the result shows that Taichung and Changhua Irrigation Associations use water wisely, while Hualien and Taitung Irrigation Associations have the most secure water supply. Taichung Irrigation Association also owns the most proper channel system. In the financial part, all associations are in deficit in their main bussiness. However, Chi-sing and Liugong Irrigation Associations reflect the fact that irrigation is no longer the main business in many Irrigation Associations now. According to the experience of benchmarking in Australia and China, it is necessary to rely on the support of the government in applying benchmarking in irrigation and drainage sector. It is recommended that the current financial characteristics of the Irrigation Associations should be concerned in the upcoming reformation of the Irrigation Associations.


1. Alexander PJ and MO Potter (2004). Benchmarking of Australian irrigation water provider businesses. In Special Issue: Benchmarking in the Irrigation and Drainage Sector. Irrigation and Drainage 53 (2). Wiley, New York
2. Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (2010) Key Performance Indicators and Benchmarking for Water Utilities in the MENA/Arab Region.
3. Burton M, Malano H, and Makin I (2005). Benchmarking for improved performance in irrigation and drainage. In Shaping the Future of Water for Agriculture: A Sourcebook for Investment in Agricultural Water Management, World Bank, Washington DC.
4. HR Wallingford, Department for International Development (2005) Performance Benchmarking in the Irrigation and Drainage Sector, Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom.
5. Malano H and Burton M (2001). Guidelines for Benchmarking Performance in the Irrigation and Drainage Sector. Rome: Food and Agriculture Organization, International Programme for Technology and Research in Irrigation and Drainage, Rome.
