  • 學位論文


The Transition of Bus Route Governance Mechanisms in Taipei Metropolitan Area: Wow Bus

指導教授 : 林楨家


新北市政府在2015年推出跳蛙公車以增進都市連結,型態是減少公車停靠站以增加行駛速度。後新北市政府建基於跳蛙公車的基礎在2018年2月推出客製化公車的政策,民眾得以利用網路與電子設備表達範圍涵蓋新北市、臺北市、基隆市與桃園市的公車路線需求。新北市政府交通局聲明凡20人表達意願即開通路線。跳蛙公車迄今(2019/5)總共成立46條路線,其中客製化公車總共只成立6條路線,並已撤銷4條。 本文分析客製化公車機制為何達不到民眾自創公車路線的目標?筆者以深度訪談一窺公車治理機制背後的操作邏輯,以參與觀察探究市民移動實作的意義。本文以移動系統與技術政治論的概念提出分析架構,指出公車路線治理機制由四項場域構成,分別是:(1)公車系統;(2)公車路線道路權;(3)移動實作;(4)公車路線。 本文指出既有公車路線治理機制由國家、公車業者、民意代表構成,三者間的角力關係使公車路線的新增、調整、撤銷與公車系統的配置處於僵化狀態。 客製化公車路線治理機制的轉變,首先是市民進入公車路線治理機制,其次是網路平台被國家提出作為處理公車路線權政治問題的工具。然而,這兩項轉變卻未產製出更多的客製化公車路線。本研究發現市民對公車路線權利的忽視,使客製化公車機制未能發揮預期效果。 最後,本文透過跳蛙公車移動系統的提出,勾勒出都市尺度的公車路線治理機制與個體尺度移動實作交錯重疊的錯綜關係,提供一個觀看路上行駛的公車之新視角。


“Wow Bus program” was launched by New Taipei City Government in 2015 to enhance connections in Taipei Metropolitan Area by improving bus travel efficiency and speed. Based on the program, customized bus services were launched by New Taipei City Government in February 2018, by which citizens could involve in the development of bus routes in New Taipei City, Taipei City, Keelung City and Taoyuan City. A customized bus route could be put into effect on condition that over twenty persons/citizens show their interest by registering online. “Wow Bus program” had launched 46 routes until May 2019, but customized bus services only launched 6 bus routes including 4 scrapped bus routes. This research analyzes why the governance mechanism of customized bus could not fulfill the goal of developing bus route proposed by citizens. In-depth interviews were conducted to clarify how the governance mechanisms of bus route worked. Participant observations were used to realize the meanings of citizen mobility practice. This thesis proposes an analytical framework by a mobility system and a theory of technological politics and points out the governance mechanisms of Wow Bus routes are composed of 4 fields including bus systems, the right of bus route, mobility practice and bus route. This thesis suggests that existing governance mechanisms of bus route are composed of nation, bus corporations and elected representatives. However, the uncoordinated partnership of the three parties fails in launching, adjusting and scrapping bus routes reasonably. The transitions of the governance mechanism of customized bus routes include that citizens participate in the governance mechanisms of bus route and that internet platform is launched as a mean of solving the political issue of right of bus route by nation, while these transitions could not contribute to more customized bus routes. This research argues that it is citizens’ lack of awareness of their right of bus route that fails to achieve expected results of the governance mechanisms of bus route. In summary, this thesis proposes a new perspective to realize how bus routes created by the Wow Bus to show the overlapping relations between mobility system on an urban scale and mobility practice on an individual scale.


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