  • 學位論文

不確定環境下中小微傳統製造企業戰略轉型思考 —以上海SBEC公司“平臺+”戰略升級為例

Thinking on the Strategic Transformation of Small, Medium and Micro Traditional Manufacturing Enterprises in the Uncertain Enviroment—Taking Shanghai SBEC's "Platform +" strategic upgrade as an example

指導教授 : 邱顯比


改革開放四十年,民營經濟得到迅速和規模發展,也帶動了一大批中小企業的發展,但曾經的人口和勞動成本等紅利經過了一定時間的消耗,以及國內外經營環境的變化,和不可控、高度不確定因素出現和快速變化,中小微實體企業必須審時度勢,根據自身實際情況對企業戰略進行部署和升級,而且迫在眉睫。特别是在2020年遭遇全球疫情,後疫情時代,中小微企業如何自救?SBEC以自身為代表,做了一些“平臺+”探索,也希望助力同類型企業,儘快走出經濟受到影響的陰影,重新走上新發展道路。 本文以SBEC公司為例,一家中小微型企業在設備製造行業領域經營了二十年的時間,總結在高度不確定的環境下所面臨的問題以及自身經營管理存在的問題,提出公司戰略升級——“平臺+“戰略,逐步向平臺化企業轉型,用平臺思維進行管理戰略升級,並進行詳細闡述,以及探討更廣闊的未來平臺之可能。 近些年,數字經濟,平臺經濟,在整個世界,特別是在中國,如火如荼地討論和展開,在各行各業的運用及拓展也是非常廣泛,湧現了一批優秀的平臺化企業。設備製造業也正積極向平臺企業靠攏,和數字經濟、平臺經濟的結合也在實踐中。作為一家中小微製造業企業,結合數字經濟和平臺經濟,勢在必行,但製造業因它本身的設備技術性、服務性等一些特性,要成為真正互聯網企業,脫離實體性的平臺,有一定限制,但邁向平臺型企業是眾多實體企業戰略轉型和升級的方向。 以“平臺+”戰略為導向,在已有互聯網大平臺的基礎上,借“大平臺之力”發揮“小平臺之能”。充分借助大平臺資源,為小平臺服務,同時中小微企業自己作為一個平臺,在產品、組織、市場、行業、人力資源等各個方面創造平臺化條件,為企業自身在高度不確定環境下保持經濟穩定和增長,發現新的經濟增長點提供方向。 中小微企業有其自身的靈活性、執行性強等特點,在過去的時間內對國家和社會以及自身發展都有一定貢獻,但要基業長青,必須適應環境的變化,改變自身,時時創新和調整戰略,更要利用好已經具備的一切企業優勢、社會力量、國家資源,以大局、開放的姿態,融入世界,融入平臺,甚至更廣泛地發揮“共享”價值——共享工廠,共享員工,共享客戶….. 共享已經具備的一切資源,達到各組織的高效運營。 聯盟共享時代,平臺才是未來。


Forty years of reform and opening up, the rapid and large-scale development of the private economy has also led to the development of a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises, but the dividends such as population and labor costs have consumed after a certain period of time, as well as changes in the domestic and international business environment. With the emergence and rapid change of control and highly uncertain factors, small and medium-sized micro-enterprise enterprises must review the situation and deploy and upgrade corporate strategies based on their actual conditions, and it is imminent. This article takes SBEC as an example. A small and medium-sized enterprise has been operating in the equipment manufacturing industry for twenty years. It summarizes the problems faced in a highly uncertain environment and the problems of its own management. "Platform +" strategy, gradually transform to a platform-based enterprise, use platform thinking to upgrade management strategies, and elaborate, and explore the possibility of a broader future platform. The digital economy and platform economy are being discussed and unfolded in full swing in the world, especially in China, and are widely used and expanded in various industries. In recent years, the combination of manufacturing, digital economy, and platform economy is also in practice. As a small, medium and micro manufacturing enterprise, it is imperative to combine the digital economy and the platform economy. However, due to its own equipment technology and service characteristics, the manufacturing industry must become a true Internet company and depart from the physical platform. Limitations, but moving towards a platform-based enterprise is the direction for the strategic transformation and upgrade of many physical enterprises. Guided by the "platform +" strategy, based on the existing large Internet platform, the "power of the small platform" is brought into play. Make full use of large platform resources to serve small platforms. At the same time, small and medium-sized enterprises as a platform, create platform conditions in all aspects of products, organizations, human resources, etc., to maintain economic growth for the enterprise itself in the new environment and find new economic growth. Point provides direction. Small, medium and micro enterprises have their own flexibility, strong execution and other characteristics. They have made a certain contribution to the country and society and their own development in the past time. Strategy, it is even more necessary to make good use of all the resources of the enterprise, society, and the country, and to integrate into the world and the platform with an overall and open attitude, and even play the value of "sharing" more widely-sharing factories, sharing employees, sharing customers … .. Share everything you already have. In the era of alliance sharing, the platform is the future.


[4]陳兵,互聯網平臺經濟運行的規制基調,[J],中國特色社會主義研究 2018,(3)
