  • 學位論文


Game Theoretic Analysis of the Feasibility of Applying Blockchain Technology to Construction Quality Inspection

指導教授 : 荷世平


近年,「區塊鏈」已在各個產業萌芽,不論在金融界、虛擬貨幣圈、新創產業、學術圈、都正談論著「區塊鏈」的各種應用和突破。許多專家學者拿其與「網際網路」當初發明問世時的狀況作為比擬,更預言「區塊鏈」將做為新一波現代版「工業革命」的關鍵技術。而在區塊鏈演進了這近十年後,現正處於產業落地的轉捩點,雖然目前區塊鏈技術尚未落地於營建產業,但區塊鏈所具有之特性卻相當適合應用於營建產業的場景,比如「工程流程透明化」、「建材朔源」以及「土方朔源」,其中「工程流程透明化」又最為營建產業所關注。眾所皆知,目前國內營建產業之營造廠素質良莠不齊,其施工品質之好壞也難以僅透過該營造廠之工程品質自主查驗資料評判,主要考量係自主查驗之制度缺少公信力,倘若在自主查驗階段得以導入區塊鏈技術,並利用其不可竄改及去中心化之特性,將能使自主查驗具有相當之可信度,並使工程流程得以透明化。故本篇以「區塊鏈技術應用於營建工程品質查驗之可行性」為研究主題。 本研究以賽局理論作為研究方法,利用數學模型模擬理性決策者之間相互影響關係,並透過設定各種情境假設,建立一發訊賽局(Signaling game)模型評估「營建業使用具有區塊鏈技術之電子化查驗系統在何種情境下具有可行性」及「以是否使用區塊鏈技術之電子化查驗系統做為判斷營造廠施工水準的依據在何種情境下具有可行性」。最後,再就理論推導結論為基礎,以個案訪談的方式驗證模型設置,同時對成果差異加以比較,分析差異產生之原因,從而結合理論推導以及個案訪談之成果,分別站在公部門及私部門的業主立場,提出建議,讓業主能依據自身專案的特性及欲達成的目的,選擇該專案是否於招標階段要求營造廠使用具區塊鏈技術的工程品質查驗系統。


In recent years, "blockchain" has sprouted in various industries, various applications and breakthroughs of "blockchain" are being discussed. Many experts and scholars compared it with the situation when the "Internet" was first invented, and more predicted that "blockchain" will be the key technology of the new wave of modern version of "industrial revolution". After the blockchain has evolved for nearly ten years, it is now at a turning point in the industry. Although the current blockchain technology has not yet landed in the construction industry, the characteristics of the blockchain are quite suitable for the application of the construction industry. For example, "transparency of engineering processes" and "source tracking of building materials". As everyone knows, the quality of domestic construction firms varies, and the quality of their construction is difficult to judge only by the inspection data from the construction firms. The main consideration is that the system of inspection lacks credibility. If the inspection stage can be introduced into the Blockchain technology, it will enable inspection to have considerable credibility and provide a high degree of engineering process transparency. Therefore, this article takes the theme of " the feasibility of applying blockchain technology in inspection of civil engineering ". Through the game theory analysis, hoping to establish a Signaling game model to evaluate the situation under which "Is it to be introduced blockchain technology into the inspection of civil engineering " can be used as an effective message to judge the quality of the construction firm, which is conducive to the owners' selection of excellent construction firms during the bidding period. Finally, based on the theoretical derivation conclusion, verify it by way of case interviews and compare the differences in results.


Blockchain Self-inspection Game theory


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