  • 學位論文


Attitudes towards Employment-related Welfare and Work Orientations by Gender, Age, and Socioeconomic Status: An International Comparison Study

指導教授 : 鄭雅文


背景與目的:探討不同群體民眾對勞動保護政策的支持程度(簡稱「勞動保護態度」)和重視的工作價值(簡稱「工作價值取向」)對勞動保護政策的制訂極為重要。過往研究顯示,勞動保護態度與工作價值取向在不同性別、年齡、社經地位族群之間有所差異,且深受國情和體制影響。然而過往研究多為歐美國家比較,較少納入台灣進行跨國比較。本研究以台灣為主,探討不同性別、年齡、教育程度、家戶收入和職業類別族群是否有相異的勞動保護態度和工作價值取向,並進行八國比較分析。 方法:本研究使用國際社會調查計畫(International Social Survey Program, ISSP)的2016年「政府角色」(Role of Government)和2015年「工作價值取向」(Work Orientations)問卷,分別調查18歲以上民眾的勞動保護態度和工作價值取向,並比較台灣、日本、美國、英國、德國、法國、芬蘭、瑞典等八國的態度/取向差異。兩項調查的最終樣本數分別為8,075人和9,176人。首先,分別對兩份問卷中自選與研究相關題目進行探索性因素分析,結果顯示勞動保護態度有二個構面,工作價值取向有三個構面。接著,將五個構面分別進行信度分析,結果顯示勞動保護態度的其中ㄧ構面題項太少,且Cronbach’s 過低,因此不納入後續分析;而另一構面中有一題與其他題關聯性較弱且其概念較不符合勞動保護(老人年金)因此刪除,命名為「勞動保護態度」(3題),其Cronbach’s 為0.64;工作價值取向的3個構面Cronbach’s 分別約為0.72、0.57、0.53,分別命名為「社會互動性」(3題)、「社會地位保障」(3題)和「獨立與創造性」(3題)。最後,利用多元線性迴歸分析,以性別、年齡、教育程度、家戶收入、職業類別為自變項,以上述四個分量表分數為依變項,分別探討八國民眾的勞動保護態度和工作價值取向之個人層次影響因素;另進行簡單線性迴歸分析,以國家為自變項,了解八國民眾上述兩方面態度/取向差異。 結果:「勞動保護態度」分量表方面,迴歸分析結果顯示台灣民眾的勞動保護態度和性別、年齡、職業類別無顯著相關,但發現低教育程度或低家戶收入者較支持勞動保護。其他七國大致顯示女性、低社經地位民眾較支持勞動保護。三種工作價值取向方面,首先,「社會互動性」分量表分析結果顯示台灣的專業及管理階級比藍領階級工作者更重視社會互動,而其他七國皆顯示女性比男性更重視此一工作價值;其次,「社會地位保障」分量表分析結果顯示台灣男性、青壯年人口較重視收入、升遷和工作保障,而除了日本,各國皆顯示青年比老年人更重視這些工作價值;最後,「獨立與創造性」分量表分析結果顯示台灣女性、中年人較重視工作獨立性與創造性,國中(含)以下學歷者比大學(含)以上學歷者不重視此一工作價值,而部分國家的女性和高教育程度者較重視此工作價值。國際比較方面,「獨立與創造性」分量表分數的比較顯示,瑞典、芬蘭等社會民主國家最重視此一價值,其次是德國、法國等統合主義國家,最後是自由主義的美國、英國,但未見台灣和日本有一致的價值取向。然而,其他三個分量表則無相似福利國家體制人民有相似的勞動保護態度或工作價值取向之現象。 結論:本研究發現低社經地位民眾與女性較支持勞動保護,推論上述族群屬勞動市場弱勢族群,對勞動保護的需求較高。此外,本研究也發現不同族群重視的工作價值有差異,因此可推測工作特質對工作者健康的影響,可能因族群不同而有所差異,未來的勞動與健康相關研究設計上應納入此點考量。


Objective: Public opinions towards labor protection policies and work values are important to the forming of labor protection policies. While several studies have compared such opinions and examined their distributions across groups in European countries, few studies have included Taiwan in the comparison. The research aimed to explore public attitudes towards labor protection policies (referred to as “employment-related welfare attitudes”) and work values (referred to as “work orientations”), and to examine the associations of these attitudes with gender, age, socioeconomic status in 8 selected countries. Methods: Two surveys “Role of Government 2016” and “Work Orientations 2015”in The International Social Survey Program (ISSP) Modules were utilized respectively to analyze employment-related welfare attitudes and work orientations among citizens of 18 and above in 8 countries: Taiwan, Japan, United States, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Finland, and Sweden. A total of 8,075 and 9,176 people were available for analysis. Exploratory factor analysis was conducted on the selected items in the two ISSP surveys, and factor analysis revealed 2 dimensions of employment-related welfare attitudes and 3 dimensions of work orientations. Internal consistency was examined and the results showed that one dimension of employment-related welfare attitudes had a low Cronbach’s  value, and the other dimension consisted of 1 item which was not correlated with 3 other items therefore was removed, resulting an one-dimension scale of “employment-related welfare attitudes” (Cronbach’s  value 0.64). The Cronbach’s  values of the 3 dimensions of “work orientations” were 0.72, 0.57, 0.53, which resulted in 3 subscales “social interaction”, “status control” and “creativity and autonomy”, respectively. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to examine the associations of employment-related welfare attitudes or work orientations in each of the 8 countries with 5 independent variables: gender, age, educational level, household income, and occupational class. Furthermore, simple linear regression analysis was used to examine both attitudes/orientations with the independent variable of country. Results: Results of the subscale “employment-related welfare attitudes” showed that female, people with lower educational levels or household income were more supportive of labor protection policies in most countries. Results of the subscale “social interaction” showed that people in the highest occupational class in Taiwan were more concerned with social interaction in the workplace than those in the lowest, and female placed more importance on this work value than male in other 7 countries. Results of the subscale “status control” showed that younger people were more concerned with income, job security, or employment perspective than older people in all countries except for Japan, and male valued the aforementioned items in work than female in Taiwan. Results of the subscale “creativity and autonomy” showed that female and people with higher educational levels in some countries placed more importance on independence or creativity in the workplace than their counterparts. Results of simple linear regression analysis showed that people in Finland and Sweden valued creativity and autonomy the most among all countries, while people in the US and the UK valued those items the least. Conclusions: In this research, female and people with lower educational levels and lower income were found to be more supportive of labor protection policies, suggesting a greater demand for labor protection from these disadvantaged groups. This study also found that people in different socio-demographic categories held different work values. This finding suggested that work characteristics may influence workers’ health differentially according to socio-demographic factors. Future research about labor or health should take into account the differences of work orientations among different groups of people.


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