  • 學位論文


The Research on Textual Criticism and Exegetics of Shuangshu In the Medium Term of Qing Dynasty

指導教授 : 蔣秋華


本研究考察清代《尚書》學在辨偽古文《尚書》的工作取得階段性成果以後,轉向文獻整理和研究的情況。考述當時《尚書》研究的三種趨勢:古《尚書》的復原運動,《尚書孔氏傳》的重新評價,群經注疏及《經典釋文》的校訂風潮。根據當時的研究動向,分從「經文」、「傳注」、「《正義》與《釋文》」三個專題,檢討清代中期學者研究《尚書》的成果,瞭解他們的工作,對目前《尚書》研究,以及《尚書》研究史的貢獻或影響。 首先,第三章分析江聲《尚書集注音疏》、王鳴盛《尚書後案》、段玉裁《古文尚書撰異》、孫星衍《尚書今古文注疏》校訂今本《尚書》經文用字的主要類型,特別留意對《說文解字》的援用,認為他們對經書文字性質的認知,實以文字訓詁連結經書大義為主,而不全以語文代有變遷的觀點作為論定文字的判斷標準。因此,相關校訂與考證,並不只是將經文用文整飭為正體字,而是能正確地反映經文意義的文字形體。這些傾向,表現出當時學者偏向古文學派的根本立場。 其次,第四章討論《尚書孔氏傳》的經學意義。認為該書雖因其具有保存故訓之功,而在過去較受學者肯定。但檢討其訓詁的工作,在清代中期學者之間,亦已然展開。當時,除了有在「偽孔亂經」下,嚴厲批判其書的觀點,也有如段玉裁《古文尚書撰異》、高郵王氏《經義述聞》、焦循《尚書補疏》從相對積極的角度,就《孔傳》的解經原則,如重視正訓、逐字為訓等,檢討《孔傳》之失。從段、王、焦三家的訓詁檢討,可以發現《孔傳》作為魏晉古學或漢學餘緒的學術意義。 復次,清代中期專研唐人《尚書正義》的風氣相對淡薄,隨附於群經注疏中的考訂、校勘,則可說是此時期對《正義》最重要的研究成果。因之,第五章將以清代中期四種本土群經注疏之校記,包括乾隆初年武英殿所出之《尚書注疏考證》、浦鏜《十三經注疏正字》、盧文弨《羣書拾補》以及阮氏《尚書注疏校勘記》為範圍,觀察當時考校《尚書正義》的情況。本研究認為,當時學者從考古的立場,在版本對校之外,更藉由《正義》的義例、《經文釋文》的內容,提出區分古書層次的觀點,推測古文經注舊貌的痕跡。可是這類考訂,主要仍集中在版本或文字的訂正上,對相關文獻的底蘊,實多未究明。但從中可見,清代中期的《尚書》研究,在「漢學」主流之外,亦存在着一種相對「守舊」的研究路徑。 通過上述三個專題討論。本研究將提出兩個結論:第一,清代中期《尚書》研究,雖然在「漢學」風潮下有新動向,但在內容上,實仍不出「孔傳本」的文獻基礎。第二,從校勘學或訓詁學的理論來看,當時的整理工作,雖然廣泛地應用校勘或訓詁方面的手段,然而對經書具體問題的判斷,則時有以文本外部的權威,而不全依循文獻的實際情況,或理論客觀法則,作為問題判斷、訂正時的基準。


This study examines the situation in Textual Criticism and Exegetics of Guwen Shuangshu in the medium term of Qing Dynasty after the staged achievements in the work of distinguishing the ancient pseudo-text. We will focus on the research from three trend: restoring the Ancient Shangshu, the revaluation about Shangshu Kong Zhuan, the editing of Shisanjing Zhu Shu and Jin Dian Ski Wen. According to the research trends at that time, there were group discussions on three topics: “The problem of using characters”, “Biographical research of Shangshu Kong Zhuan”, “Zheng Yi and Ski Wen”, to analyzes their research in the contribution or influence in the history of Shangshu. In “The problem of using characters”, we analyze Jiang Sheng’s “Shangshu Ji Zhu Yin Shu”, Wang Mingsheng’s “Shangshu Hou An”, Duan Yucai’s “Guwen Shangshu Zhuan Yi”, and Sun Xingyan’s “Shangshu Jin Gu Wen Zhu Shu”, to observe their revision of the text, the way of using "Shuo Wen Jie Zi" to editing. Compare their collation work in using characters of Shangshu, we find that their revision did not consolidate it into a normal form only, but a form that could correctly reflect the meaning of the scriptures. In “Biographical research of Shangshu Kong Zhuan”, although that "Shangshu Kong Zhuan" has been affirmed by scholars in the past. But at the same time, the work of reviewing the interpretation of "Shangshu Kong Zhuan" has already begun among Sinology scholars in the medium term of the Qing Dynasty. Duan Yucai’s "Ancient Chinese Classics", Gaoyou Wang's "Jing Yi Shu Wen", and Jiao Xun's "Shangshu Shang Bu Shu", they have mastered the explanatory principles of "Kong Zhuan" that values "orthodox training" and "literally training", therefore, they can actively review the Misinterpretation from "Kong Zhuan", and pointed out that this book appeared in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, and its academic significance as the aftermath of Sinology. In addition, the atmosphere of specializing in "Shangshu Zheng Yi" in the mid-Qing Dynasty was relatively weak, and the review and collation accompanying the commentaries on the classics were the most important research results of " Zheng Yi " in this period. Because of this, our research is based on the records of the four kinds of collating note in the medium term of the Qing Dynasty, including " Shangshu Zhu Shu Kao Zheng ", “Shisanjing Zhu Shu Zheng Zi”, “Qun Shu Shi Bu” and “Shisanjing Zhu Shu Jiao Kan Ji”. We believe that, these notes are not proofreading, but also with the content of "Zheng Yi "proposed to distinguish the layers of ancient books, presumably traces of the ancient appearance of the ancient scriptures. Although the related research still has deficiencies, but it proved that there was a relatively "conservative" research atmosphere outside of "the Qing Dynasty Sinology". Through three topics, this study puts forward two conclusions. First, although there is a new trend in the study of Shangshu in the middle term of the Qing Dynasty under the trend of "Sinology", the content is actually based on "The text of Shangshu be annotated by Kong Anguo". Secondly, judging from the theory of collation or exegesis, although collation and exegesis were widely used as research methods at the time, judgments on specific issues were mostly based on external authority, rather than internal theory or literature. Objectively presented as a criterion of judgment.


一 經部
重刊宋本尚書注疏附校勘記 [舊題](漢)孔安國注 (唐)孔穎達疏 嘉慶二十年南昌府學刊本 臺北 藝文印書館 1965年
尚書注疏附考證 [舊題](漢)孔安國注 (唐)孔穎達疏 (清)齊召南等考證 同治十年重刊乾隆四年武英殿本
書集傳 (宋)蔡沈撰 錢宗武 錢忠弼整理 南京 鳳凰出版社 2010年
尚書日記 (明)王樵 文淵閣《四庫全書》本 臺北 臺灣商務印書館 1983年
