  • 學位論文


A Study on the Mechanism and Operation of Administrative Agencies to Clarify Fake News

指導教授 : 王宏文


假新聞透過網路與社群媒體快速散播,實已造成社會的不安與危害,並對政府部門形成一大挑戰。尤其現今許多假造或扭曲政府施政的假新聞,在有心人士透過社群平台與通訊軟體大舉散播下,加大政府澄清的困難度,而這些不實內容又被主流媒體誤用,造成更大的渲染,將傷害公共討論品質,甚至引發社會大眾恐慌,政府必須嚴肅面對假新聞所帶來的挑戰。爰此,政府如何於第一時間澄清,提供正確資訊予民眾及媒體,並且在面對假新聞的威脅能有一套應對機制與處理做法,確實值得進一步研究探討。 本研究以國防部、食藥署、內政部、農委會及原能會等行政機關作為研究對象,採深度訪談法,以實際瞭解行政機關澄清假新聞的機制與運作現況,本研究發現行政機關的假新聞具有反覆性,且多屬認知錯誤與評論扭曲,其傳播管道以臉書、LINE、批踢踢等社群及通訊平台為主,且主管事務性質與假新聞關注程度具相關性,也包含來自中國大陸的假新聞;在機制與運作層面,行政機關澄清組織採扁平化,以多元、多管道澄清模式選擇性方式澄清假新聞,過程中必須倚靠民間專業,並在澄清機制上以個案方式與公私機關單位合作。


The rapid dissemination of fake news through the Internet and social media has caused great social unrest, and posed a major challenge to government. In particular, fake news produced to distort the government’s policies and to undermine its credibility has spread so fast and widely that it’s getting more and more difficult for the government to make prompt clarifications. What’s worse, the false contents, once misused and exaggerated by the mainstream media, will definitely affect the quality of public discussion and even result in severe social panic. In this regard, the government must face this challenge seriously. It goes without saying that the government has to clarify and provide correct information to the people and the media in the first place. Moreover, it is also of crucial importance for the government to establish a set of mechanisms and SOPs to appropriately respond to the threats of fake news. This underlines enormous value to have further research and discussion on this subject. The objects of this study include the following government agencies: the Ministry of National Defense, the Food and Drug Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfares, the Ministry of the Interior, the Council of Agriculture, and Atomic Energy Council. The author sought to examine what kinds of mechanisms the mentioned government agencies have and how they use these measures to clarify fake news through in-depth interviews. The results of this study showed that the fake news about the administrative agencies is quite repetitive, and is usually composed of cognitive errors and distorted comments. Also, major channels through which the fake news spread are the social media like Facebook, LINE, PTT, etc. In addition, the more important the government agencies are, the more frequently the fake news is produced against them. And mainland China is a major source where the fake news comes from. In conclusion, this study suggests that having a flattened responding mechanism is of vital importance for the government to tackle the issue of the clarifications of fake news. To achieve this goal, the government must adopt multiple clarification models to selectively clarify fake news. In this handling process, the government must look to the private sector for help. Apart from that, the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors on a case-by-case basis cannot be emphasized too much in terms of the clarification mechanism about the fake news.


