  • 學位論文


Development of On-site Construction Employment Platform Based on Blockchain

指導教授 : 謝尚賢
共同指導教授 : 紀宏霖(Hung-Lin Chi)


在法律規範的基礎下,勞雇契約的訂定即為保障勞資雙方的權益,可信的勞雇契約除了能夠避免權益受損也能促進信任及未來持續合作的機會。然而,在營建產業中,工地勞工的工種繁雜以及聘僱時間不固定,因此容易發生勞資雙方權益受損的情況,如分包商積欠工資、勞工失約未到等,而勞工不諳法律條文且訴訟過程花錢耗時,難以保障自身權益。因此,如何透過訴訟以外的方式達到互相信任的僱傭關係且同時減少溝通成本顯得極為重要。隨著區塊鏈(Blockchain)技術的演進,其衍生的應用包含智能合約(Smart Contract),能夠用以規範雙方進行資訊或金錢交換的準則,智能合約裡的內容、資料以及紀錄皆為不可被篡改,同時,在智能合約的規範下,透過定義支付觸發條件於智能合約可以達到即時付款,本研究將現行營建工地勞工的僱傭契約轉換成智能合約,並整合成一個僱傭平台,除了能保障勞雇雙方的權益,也能使執行契約的過程與結果生成具有公信力的紀錄,透過改良且經不同情況驗證後的信譽機制算出公正的信譽評分,透過過去執行契約的信譽評分,分包商及工人更能信任彼此,達到有效率之僱傭以及保障施工品質。透過區塊鏈技術不僅更加保障契約內容的強制力,也能更具有公信力地紀錄勞雇雙方執行契約的過程以及信譽評分,進而達到可信的勞雇關係。


Based on the legal tradition, the purpose of an employment contract is to protect the rights of both the employer and the employee. A credible employment contract can not only keep the rights of both parties from being threatened but also enhance the trust and opportunities for future cooperation. Due to the variety and temporariness of on-site labor in construction, however, the rights of both parties are liable to be threatened under some circumstances, like arrears of payments from subcontractors or absences of workers. Since workers are unfamiliar with the law and a lawsuit is usually both time and cost consuming, on-site labor cannot protect rights easily. Therefore, besides through litigation, it is necessary to achieve a trustworthy and convenient employment relationship without lots of transaction costs. With the development of Blockchain technology (BCT), smart contracts are computerized transaction protocols of data or cryptocurrencies based on BCT. The scripts of smart contracts, the data stored in smart contracts, and the transaction records are ensured immutability in the blockchain network. This research develops an employment platform with smart contracts for on-site labor to not only protect the rights of both parties but also keep the records during the execution of employment credible. Besides, a transparent performance ranking standard, which acts as a trust metric of the cooperation for both the subcontractor and worker, is introduced into our application. To evaluate the ranking to public reputation accurately, the reputation mechanism is modified and validated under various scenarios. BCT increases the enforceability of employment contracts, records the process of contract execution and reputation, and achieves a more trustworthy employment relationship.


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