  • 學位論文


Research on the Discussion of Political Topics in Families and between Friends in Taiwan:Comparative Analyses Using Two Waves of Surveys in 2014 and 2018

指導教授 : 陳明通


政治討論是日常生活中隨時可能發生的行為,更是最基本的政治參與。而科技的日新月異讓民眾由面對面的政治討論型態,進化至無所不在的網路世界與社群媒體中再向外發酵擴散,增加了民眾政治討論的廣度、深度與即時性,特別是在選舉期間,各類型的政治話題討論度增高,影響的層面也更廣,競爭政黨間往往一個議題或政策的閃失就可能決定選戰勝負的關鍵。 本研究以2014年及2018年民眾在討論政治話題的對象、討論的頻率及所受到的影響數據,提出論述研究,透過量化分析解釋臺灣民眾與家人朋友討論政治話題情形,以人口統計學、社會學、政治學三組獨立變數用以解釋依變項,並從中驗證了三個假設命題:教育程度越低者越不常與家人朋友討論政治話題、中上社會階層及曾使用社群媒體者越常與家人朋友討論政治話題,以及會在社群媒體表達政治、有政黨偏好和認同多元權取向者亦會與家人朋友討論政治話題。希冀對國內民眾參與政治談論的研究上能提供些許貢獻。


Political discussion is a behavior that may occur at any time in daily life. It is the most basic way to participate in politics. With rapid development of technology, original face-to-face discussions have gradually evolved into the communications in the online world and social media, which can further expand into daily life and promote the depth, width, and immediate response of the political discussions. Especially during the election campaigns,discussions on diverse political topics increases and have much more impacts. The party might lose the election merely due to an inappropriate post on the internet or on social media. Two waves of surveys were conducted in 2014 and 2018 with the questions focusing on the discussion groups on political topics, the frequency of discussions, and the influence by the friend and families on the political topics. Based on the results of this two waves of surveys, this project explored and explained the propensity of Taiwanese on discussing political topics with their family and friends through quantitative analysis. Three independent variables of demographics, sociology, and politics are used to explain the dependent variables. The results verified our three hypothesis: (1) the lower the education level, the less frequent discussions on political topics with family and friends, (2) the middle and upper social class and those who have used social media have higher tendency to discuss political topics with family and friends, and (3) those who express thoughts on politics on social media, have party preferences, and agree on polyarchy and multiculturalism have higher tendency to discuss political topics with family and friends.The research might contribute in promoting people to participate import political discussions.


