  • 學位論文


Territorialization in Expediency: Indonesian Fishers’ Spatial Practice and Identity Negotiation in Taiwan

指導教授 : 王志弘


來自東南亞的漁工已成為當代台灣漁船上主要的勞動者,他們隨著討海勞動往返於海陸,形成交織於風險與流動中的獨特時空經驗。本文透過基隆地區漁港印尼漁工的民族誌調查,嘗試回答:具權宜領域化效果的日常實作,如何可能鬆動勞動的風險與時空限制,協商並重塑空間的意義與效果?本文首先爬梳台灣漁業的發展歷程與歷史轉折,鋪陳印尼漁工的遷移之路。漁撈工作的風險與不確定性,模糊了勞動與休閒的界線,形成「即刻待命」的時空節奏,使漁工難以形成以週末固定在公共空間聚集形成的自主時空,必須發展出更具權宜色彩的劃界策略。 本文提出「權宜領域化」的概念探討印尼漁工日常的空間實作。權宜具有幾個特徵:暫時、非正式與因地制宜。首先,流動的生活與身份條件讓印尼漁工傾向透過勞動工具的挪用,或音樂、塗鴉等具族裔色彩的象徵符碼,暫時地轉換勞動空間的配置與氛圍。這類空間實作往往逾越了空間權屬與既有的使用規範,創造了印尼漁工另類的認同與社群形式。實作也隨著漁工跨越船、港與市的移動路徑,因應不同的空間條件呈現多樣且動態的領域化形式。本文主張,空間可能作為施行勞動控制的所在,漁工施展能動性的縫隙亦與之並存,聚焦於日常的空間實作,可能為我們開展不同於問題化或犯罪化固有想像的另類視野。


This article discusses the mechanism and function of territorialization in expediency through the case of Indonesian migrant fishers in the Keelung area. Fishers from East Asia had become the main labour on Taiwanese fishing vessels since 1990s. They move between the shore and the ocean, and time-space experience. The study is based on ethnographic research and in-depth interviews, the how the Indonesian fishers overcome the limit in fishing labor through their everyday practice, and negotiate the meaning and effect of the space? First, I illustrate the historical process of the fishing factor in Taiwan, for realizing the reason why Indonesian fishers have come to Taiwanese fishing vessels. The risk and uncertainty of fishing work indistinct the boundary of work and life, and the fishers must spend most of their rest time for “stand-by”. As the result, it is difficult for the Indonesian fishers to crowd in public spaces on the weekend, thus make them use boundary work in more “expedient” ways. This article contributes the notion of territorialization in expediency, which has the following features: temporary, informal, and institutional. First, the Indonesian fishers can appropriate the instruments of labour, or use ethnic icons such as music and graffiti, to temporarily transfer the atmosphere in the labor space. Therefore, their spatial practices usually exceed the proper right and institutional rules. Furthermore, the practices are constantly changing with the daily movement of the fishers in different places, in other words, it works in certain circumstances but perhaps not in others. Overall, I assert that space can be used as an instrument of power, at the same time, the agency of the Indonesian fishers is embodied in their everyday practice.


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王志弘(2006)〈移/置認同與空間政治:桃園火車站週邊消費族裔地景研究〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》61: 149-203。
王志弘(2011)〈我們有多元文化城市嗎?台北都會區東南亞族裔領域化的機制、類型與作用〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》82: 31-84。
王志弘、沈孟穎(2009)〈疆域化、縫隙介面與跨國空間:臺北市安康市場「越南街」族裔化地方研究〉,《台灣社會研究季刊》73: 119-166。
