  • 學位論文


Exploring the Intermediary Mechanism of Youth Transition under the Present Higher Education – The Case of People with Major in Engineering

指導教授 : 施世駿


本研究主題從全球化時代新自由主義高等教育的普及化與市場化現象切入,思考青年轉銜的社會危機、競爭力迷思與個體選擇自由。為發掘現階段高教體制下真正能夠幫青年順利轉銜之中介機制,本研究採取生命歷程視角並運用「同齡群體」概念,透過深度訪談進行多重個案研究後,取徑新制度主義鑲嵌觀點深入剖析。首先,根據7名受訪對象對其求學背景、在學經驗之自評與描述,重現其青年轉銜階段之動態軌跡,其次進行職涯取向、實習看法、創業歷程與世代觀點等四大面向之個案對照,分析結果顯示受訪對象普遍認知「實習經驗」、「教師引導」與「教育程度」等三大層面是輔助青年順利轉銜之主要中介,且教育程度愈高愈利轉銜發展。然而,世代的同齡群體間會因不同的事件、機會、資源與行動策略選擇而展現獨特的生命軌跡。 綜此,歸納主要研究結果如下:(一)教育程度在認知中與就業機會高度相關,對於個人競爭力的追求,體現了競爭社會結構下的心智意識結構;全球化下高等教育市場化的政策效果對青年轉銜而言,是積極提升自我競爭力以在環境限制中尋找機會;(二)前階段實習具有指引後階段轉銜的制度化效果,實習經驗與教師引導更是一種機會與資源;青年生命歷程中轉銜階段發展的關鍵中介,是鑲嵌於制度、場域與社會關係網絡中的社會資本;(三)互為鑲嵌與關聯的生命歷程與社會連結,是個體在路徑依賴與理性選擇下的行動策略背景;個體的差異化發展不僅源於過往生命經驗,更來自行動者意向下的策略選擇。


This thesis aims at the situation that higher education under neo-liberalism in the era of globalization has gone generalizing and leading to marketization. Be based on this, pondering over the issues on the social crises, competitiveness myth and individual options, the three dimensions about youth transition. To explore the intermediary mechanism under the present higher education system which aids in the youth transition proper, this study takes a perspective of life course and applies the notion of “cohort”, exercising a method of multi-case study by means of depth-interview, and then taking an analytic approach of embedded came from new institutionalism to deeply dissect. First according to the interviewees’ self-assessments and narratives on their learning backgrounds as well as school experiences to represent their dynamic trajectories of the stage of youth transition. Secondly compared with the cases through the following four aspects: career orientation, opinions on intern institution, start-up process and standpoints of different generations. The result of analysis comes out that intern experiences, guidance from teachers and degree of education, the main three mediums are useful to youth transition greatly in their common cognition, furthermore, getting higher degree of education, more being in an advantageous position to transition. Nevertheless, there is a finding that cohorts in the selfsame generation show peculiar life trajectories in virtue of different events, opportunities, resources, and choices of act strategies. To sum up, the conclusions of the study are as follows: (1) The degree of education has a higher correlation to employment opportunities in people cognitions. An ambition to enhance competitive capability of individual self, which embodies the cognitive structures under the competitive social structures. To youth transition, the effect of higher education policy going marketization in the progress of globalization is, actively increasing individual self’s competitive strength so that looking for opportunities under the limitations of circumstances. (2) The former phase “intern” has the institutionalization effect that being a beacon to the afterward phase “transition”; moreover, intern experiences and guidance from teachers are exactly like opportunities and resources. The decisive medium to the development of transition stage in youths’ life courses is the social capitals embedded in the institutions, arenas, and social networks. (3) Mutual embedded and interrelated life courses and social links are background of act strategies that individuals take path dependency and rational choice into account. Individuals’ differential developments not only come from the past life experiences, but also the strategical choices by the intentionality of human agency.


人民網-日本頻道(2018/03/13)。〈日本《民法修正案》規定18歲成年 飲酒與吸菸限制維持20歲不變〉。http://japan.people.com.cn/BIG5/n1/2018/0313/c35421-29865344.html。2021/03/07檢索。
