  • 學位論文


Feasibility Exploration of Photocatalytic Production of Ammonia and Remediation of Wastewater in Twin Reactor System

指導教授 : 吳紀聖


自從哈伯法於一世紀前發明以來,固氮反應完全改變了世界的樣貌。全球超過90%的人口仰賴哈伯法所生產的氨過活。然而,哈伯法的嚴苛反應條件對於偏遠地區來說著實不可行,且在化石燃料價格上漲的未來,哈伯法的操作成本也會增加。在半導體產業蓬勃發展的臺灣,排放量漸增的廢水已成為人民所關注之焦點。利用光催化產氨及分解廢水或將是上述問題之解方。本研究提議使用雙胞反應器同時達成上述兩目的。本研究衡量了觸媒在雙胞反應器初期條件及末期條件的表現。實驗中測試了鐵相關觸媒產氨的活性以及以商用觸媒為基底的材料降解廢水的效果。觸媒經過X光繞射光譜、可見光吸收光譜、掃描式電子顯微鏡、能量色散X射線譜以及比表面積與孔隙度分析儀鑑定。結果顯示Fe-BiOBr產氨的表現優異。P25 (TiO2) 相關觸媒能有效降解廢水。然而,同一觸媒在雙胞初期及後期條件的表現並不一致。Pd-P25在初期有最突出表現,但P25在後期的表現則最突出。


Since the Haber-Bosch process was invented a century ago, the majority of the global population has relied on Haber-Bosch nitrogen to carry on their lives. The fierce operating conditions is not possible in rural areas, and rising fossil fuel prices may impose higher cost of operation in the future. Wastewater discharge from booming semiconductor industries in Taiwan has grown into an issue as the production chain grows. Hence, photocatalytic production of ammonia accompanied by wastewater degradation in a twin reactor has been proposed. In this work, the conditions in the initial phase and the final phase of the twin reactor operation have been investigated. Iron-related catalysts have been tested for their capabilities of nitrogen reduction. Modified commercial catalysts were tested for their wastewater degradation capabilities. The catalysts were characterized by XRD, UV-Vis, SEM, EDX, and BET surface area analysis. Results showed that Fe-BiOBr exhibited much improved ammonium production rate, and P25 (TiO2) series catalysts demonstrated impressive oxidative power. However, the tested catalysts did not always perform well in every phase of the simulated twin reactor operation. Fe-BiOBr had higher efficiency when reaction was carried out in pure water instead of solution containing electron mediators. Pd-P25 showed superior degradation power in the early phase while P25 performed the best in the late-phase conditions.


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