  • 學位論文


Quantitative Analysis of Smart Technologies Applied in Agricultural Production and Consumption Practices

指導教授 : 王俊豪


我國自2015年推動「農業生產力4.0計畫」後,正式揭開農業部門邁向智慧化發展的序幕。世界各國應用智慧科技來因應氣候變遷、農村人口老化、農業勞動力不足、自然資源匱乏,及糧食安全等挑戰,已成為全球農業發展的趨勢。有鑑於國內外智慧農業的社會科學研究成果,文獻數量相對有限,故本博士論文旨在利用量化分析方法,探討智慧科技應用於農業生產與消費實務的相關議題,期望實證研究成果能俾助於我國智慧農業發展。 本博士論文由三篇實證研究所構成,第一篇實證研究論文以KAP理論為基礎,一般農民為調查對象,探討其對各種智慧農業科技的知識、態度、採用行為,及三者概念間的關聯性。 第二篇實證研究論文則進一步針對青年農民對於農業物聯網的創新採用意願,及分析相關其影響因素。前兩篇實證分析的研究焦點,都聚焦在智慧農業生產面,故第三篇實證研究論文則關注智慧農業消費面的量化分析,從農食產業的總體消費觀點,使用電子發票的大數據,探索性分析農食產品消費的時間趨勢、空間分佈,及城鄉差異的消費情形。 綜合本論文三篇實證研究的潛在學術貢獻,除可填補國內智慧農業生產與消費實務的知識缺口之外,同時也可在智慧農業的社會科學研究上,接軌國際學術發展的步伐,在農業科技採用與調適、智慧農業知識與創新,及數位農業經濟與管理等三個主題群,提供臺灣智慧農業的發展經驗和實證研究成果。


The "Agricultural Productivity 4.0 Program" has been launched in 2015, it has officially unveiled the prelude to the smart agriculture development in Taiwan. Applying smart technologies to farming practices has become a global trend in many countries, which contributes to respond to challenges faced by agricultural sector, such as climate change, aging rural populations, shortage of agricultural labor, lack of natural resources, and food security. Although there is a growing body of scientific literature to develop smart agriculture technologies. However, the literature on the social science researches of smart agriculture remains limited. This doctoral dissertation aims to use quantitative analysis methods to discuss the application and consequences of smart technology in both of agricultural production and consumption practices. The doctoral dissertation is composed of three empirical studies. The first essay intends to investigate farmers’ knowledge, attitudes, and adoption behaviors of various smart agricultural technologies. This study provides a preliminary understanding of the relationship between psychological factors and innovation adoption of smart agricultural technologies in a small-scale farming economic context. The second essay further focused on the willingness of young farmers to adopt agricultural IoT and analyzed related factors. The empirical results also contribute to future IoT system development in agriculture, which should emphasize technology’s perceived usefulness, ease of use, providing user-friendly IoT user interface. In addition to the first two empirical studies focused on the production side of smart agriculture, the third essay aims to explore consumption side of smart agriculture by using big data analysis of electronic invoices. The exploratory research of agri-food consumption provide empirical evidence to illustrate the development trend and spatial distribution of, as well as urban and rural differences in agri-food consumption. The potential contributions of three empirical essays, this doctoral dissertation attempts to fill the knowledge gaps related to social science on smart agriculture development in Taiwan. Moreover, this doctoral dissertation provides Taiwanese empirical evidences to respond to the emerging issues on innovation adoption and adaptation of smart technologies on farm, digitalized agricultural knowledge and innovation systems, as well as economics and management of smart agricultural production and consumption under the international academic context.


1.天下雜誌(2020)。全球暖化特輯,https://www.cw.com.tw/feature/topic/global-warming。(accessed on 20 Juni 2021)
