  • 學位論文


From YouTuber to Podcaster: The Key Factors for Famous Influencers to Transfer Successfully

指導教授 : 連勇智


科技的進步,以及網際網路的普及,現代人越來越成癮於3C產品,路上隨處可見低頭族,人類的眼球被各種社群媒體或影音平台所佔據,新興平台因而將注意力從眼球經濟轉向耳朵經濟,Podcast產業因而逐漸興起。 Podcast起源於2004年,2014年才因犯罪廣播劇《Serial》使Podcast在美國大爆發,然而台灣直到2020才迎來Podcast的元年,除了耳朵經濟的興起外,錄音設備的進步,以及剪輯軟體的優化,使得操作上都更加方便,因而促使越來越多人加入Podcast。自2019年10月開始,每個月皆有新增10%的節目數量,2020年8月更是高達40%,截至2021年5月,Podcast中文節目共有8,051檔,且持續性地在增長中。 在眾多Podcast節目中,大多的創作者是以素人自創,其中不乏也有歌手、作家、YouTuber等有名氣的人加入Podcast平台,相對於一般素人,其擁有先進優勢,可利用自身名氣自帶流量,然而並非所以人皆能藉此成為高人氣的Podcaster。本研究係以YouTuber為研究對象,探討其如何藉由原本的知名度,吸引原有粉絲到Podcast中,又要如何才能成功維持住粉絲,更因而增加粉絲的黏著度,並構築出移轉成功之關鍵因素,提供給希望藉由發展新社群平台以提升名氣的人。 本研究採用深度訪談法,參考文獻探討及研究方法研擬出訪談大綱,並邀請四位成功從YouTuber移轉為高人氣Podcaster的網紅們共同探究。研究結果顯示,成功移轉之關鍵因素共有5項,包括:口條、做自己、善用社群媒體、內容獨特及勤於更新。而「內容獨特」是所有創作者認為成為高人氣Podcaster的關鍵因素。


Podcast 播客 關鍵成功因素 自媒體


With the advancement of technology and the popularity of the Internet, people have addicted to 3C products. We can see a lot of “phubbers” everywhere on the road. Our eyeballs are focus on social media or audio-visual platform. The attention economy has turned from eyeballs to ears, and the Podcast is getting more attention. Podcast was originated in 2004, and it was the investigative journalism podcast, "Serial", that caused the Podcast to be well-known in 2014. However, not until 2020 did Podcast get famous in Taiwan. Beside the rise of the ear economy, the advancement of recording equipment and the optimization of editing software make it easier to install and operate Podcast. Therefore, more and more people are interested in becoming a Podcaster. Since October 2019, every month, 10% of the number of the Podcast programs has been added. In August 2020, the number was as high as 40%. As of May 2021, there are 8,051 Podcast Chinese programs, and the number is still increasing. Most of the Podcasters started from normal people; however, there are still some celebrities, including singers, writers, or YouTubers who are also Podcasters. Compared with normal people, they have advantages and can use their own reputation to attract their own fans to listen to their Podcast. Nonetheless, not everyone will get good use of this advantage. The study took” YouTuber” as main target to explore how to attract their originated fans to Podcast by their reputation, and how to keep their fan, increase the stickiness of fans, and provide the key success factor for successfully transferring as a famous podcaster for those who wish to increase their reputation through new social platform. Th methodology adopted in this research is in-depth interview, and the interview outline is made by related reference and research methods. Four Internet celebrities who have successfully transferred from YouTubers to highly popular Podcasters were interviewed. The outcome shows that there are 5 key success factors for successful transfer, including: articulating, being yourself, making good use of social media, unique contents and frequent updating. “Unique contents” is considered by all Podcasters to be a key success factor in becoming a popular Podcaster. The research results show that there are 5 key factors for a successful transfer, including: speaking, being yourself, making good use of community media, unique content and diligent update. And "unique content" is considered by all creators to be a key factor in becoming a highly popular podcast.


Podcast Key Success Factor (KSF) We media


一、 中文文獻
