  • 學位論文

華語文言文教材選文的分析與原則研究--以《文言文入門》與《An Introduction to Literary Chinese》為例

The Analysis and Principles of Classical Chinese Text Selection for Foreigners-Based on “A First Course in Literary Chinese” and “An Introduction to Literary Chinese”

指導教授 : 張莉萍


本研究以華語文言文教材《文言文入門》和An Introduction to Literary Chinese這兩本美國出版的教材為研究對象,採用內容分析法,以質化的方式,分析文獻與教材的選文原則與標準;並根據分析出的選文原則,採量化的方式,擬定判斷選文難易度的客觀標準。由質化分析的歸納結果可知,華語文言文教材的選文分為「選文原則」和「編排原則」。在選文原則方面,以「趣味性」和「實用性」兩大原則為主,並兼顧「基礎語法」以鞏固學習者對於古代漢語的語法概念。在編排原則方面,則重視「篇幅長短」與「語法難易」。 為了藉助量化的分析結果,本研究採用語料庫工具AntConc進行文本處理,分析兩本教材的73篇選文,得到篇章的長度、詞種、詞頻等資訊,並針對前五個高頻詞「之」、「而」、「不」、「其」、「也」的用法進行分析,其中以「之」、「而」的語義和功能複雜度較高。最後根據質化與量化的分析結果為選文重新排序,期待為未來文言文教材編輯有所貢獻。


The purpose of this paper is to identify the principles of text selection in classical Chinese textbooks for foreigners and to set objective criteria for the difficulty of the selected texts through the analysis of selected texts “A First Course in Literary Chinese” and “An Introduction to Literary Chinese”. The content analysis method is used to qualitatively analyze the principles and criteria of text selection in textbooks, and to quantify the principles of text selection and to develop objective criteria for determining the difficulty of text selection. From the generalized results of the qualitative analysis, it is clear that the selection principles of foreign language textbooks are divided into “content principles” and “arrangement principles”. In terms of content, the two main principles are “interesting” and “practical”, and “basic grammar” is also taken into account. In terms of arrangement, the principles of “length” and “grammatical difficulty” are emphasized. In order to develop a quantitative analysis of the selection criteria, this study used a corpus tool “AntConc” to analyze 73 selected texts from two textbooks to obtain information on chapter length, word type, and word frequency, and to analyze the usage of the top five high-frequency words zhi, er, bu, qi, and ye. Among them, the semantic and functional complexity of zhi and er is higher. The final analysis was based on the qualitative and quantitative results, and the selected texts were reordered in the hope of contributing to the editing of future textbooks.


