  • 學位論文


The Impact of Gender Quotas on Political Recruitment: Women Party Elite in the Democratic Progressive Party

指導教授 : 黃長玲


性別比例原則在台灣行之有年,許多討論都認為該制度對台灣女性參政空間有非常正面的影響。不過,相關的研究與討論皆集中於國會或是地方議會的女性代表人數、政黨在選舉中提名女性候選人的比例、或是擴及到討論內閣閣員的女性成員數量。相對來說,對於另一個重要的政治工作場域—政黨—內部的女性參政空間的討論非常少見。本文希望針對過去較不受到關注的政黨內部女性參政空間環節,以民進黨黨內選舉的性別比例原則,是否會對於女性從事黨職、或日後的參與公職有所影響做為研究焦點。 本文由實證研究的角度出發,蒐集與分析民進黨女性黨職參與的情況,另外再搭配質化訪談,以理解性別比例原則在政黨內部對於女性參政空間的影響。研究設計上,首先針對民進黨創黨以來,女性菁英擔任中執委、中評委的情況,進行量化資料的蒐集;其次,再選取12名受訪者(包括8 名曾任中央黨職的女性菁英與4名黨職選舉操盤手)進行深入訪談,分別了解女性政治菁英與各派系操盤手如何評估性別比例原則對於女性參政的影響。 本文主要結論包括,1. 量化資料顯示,民進黨在1998年黨職選舉納入性別比例原則後,民進黨中央黨職的女性比例明顯提昇,擴展了女性參政空間;2. 質化資料的分析結果,發現之前研究文獻中所指出的一般性制度影響,也從公職延伸到黨職,改變了派系操盤手的提名策略以及女性菁英參與意願等;3. 不過,女性參政要從黨職推進到公職,則仍有許多挑戰,出現原先保障女性的地板設計實際變成天花板的制度飽和現象。 整體而言,本文的重要貢獻有兩項,首先是填補了過去對於性別比例原則的研究只重視公職的情況,把研究角度延伸到政黨內部的黨職。此外,本文也關注了當正式制度發生重大變革時(性別比例原則納入黨職選舉),非正式制度也會受到影響而產生變化(政治家族與派系的角色)。在民進黨的政治發展中,在性別比例原則引入後,對於中央黨職中的女性參與而言,由於派系更能掌握足夠的黨代表選票,並能與其他派系進行實力協商與分配,所以政治家族的影響力正在衰退,而派系的角色則會變的更加的重要。


The principle of gender quotas has been in place in Taiwan for many years. It is widely believed that this system has had a positive impact on the space for female participation in politics. However, related studies and discussions have focused on the number of women representatives in national legislatures and local councils, the proportion of female candidates nominated by parties in elections, or the representation of women in the cabinet. In contrast, there has been very little discussion about the space for female participation in another important political arena: internal party positions. This study, therefore, explores whether gender quotas for internal party elections within Taiwan’s Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) have an effect on the election of women to internal party positions as well as their future election to public office. The study collected and analyzed empirical data on the participation of women in internal party positions within the DPP. In addition, qualitative interviews were used to understand the impact of gender quotas on the space for female participation within the party. In terms of research design, we first collected quantitative data on women serving in the DPP’s Central Executive Committee and Central Review Committee since the party’s founding. Next, we selected 12 respondents (including 8 women serving in central party positions and 4 political operatives within the party) to conduct in-depth interviews in order to learn how female elites and the political operatives of different party factions assess the impact of gender quotas on female participation in politics. The main conclusions of the study are as follows: 1. Quantitative data show that after the DPP introduced gender quotas for internal party positions in 1998, the proportion of women in the DPP’s central party positions increased significantly, expanding the space for female participation in politics. 2. Analysis of the qualitative data shows that the general institutional influence identified in previous research, changing the nomination strategy of party faction operatives for both public office and internal party positions and increasing the willingness of female elites to stand for election; 3. There are still many challenges for women to advance from internal party positions to public office, and the original floor to ensure the representation of women has actually become a ceiling. Overall, this study has two important contributions. First, it fills the gap in the existing research on gender quotas that only considers public office by extending the focus of the research to look at internal party positions. Second, the study explores whether a major change in institutional rules (the incorporation of gender quotas into internal party elections) affects informal institutions (the role of political families and party factions). After the introduction of gender quotas, the influence of party factions on the participation of female elites has increased because factions control sufficient votes to gain party representation and can negotiate and coordinate with other factions, while the influence of party families is declining.


李美華等譯,Babbie, Earl著,1998,《社會科學研究方法上下》。台北:時英出版社。
