  • 學位論文


The Evolution of Australia’s China Policy (2013-2020)

指導教授 : 陳世民


澳洲在經貿上高度依賴中國,自2007年中國成為澳洲最大的貿易夥伴之後,兩國的貿易額快速成長,因而長期以來澳洲的中國政策重視雙邊經濟關係。然而,自2013年以後,澳洲即便未降低對中國的經貿依賴,中國政策卻越來越重視防範中國的影響力,不論是對於中國勢力在區域的擴大,或是中國在澳洲國內的影響等議題。本文研究自2013年9月澳洲自由黨(Liberal Party of Australia, LPA)執政以來至2020年期間,澳洲中國政策的演變,包含具體的政策內涵以及演變的原因。 回顧過往澳洲的中國政策,可看見在自由黨執政時期,澳洲亦強調發展與中國的經濟關係。因而本文認為,自由黨執政是一個背景,但並非導致澳洲中國政策轉為更加強調防範中國勢力之主因。本文進一步從國際結構因素、中國對澳洲的影響作為與政策,以及澳洲國內對於中國的觀點等層面分析背後之原因。就國際結構因素而言,在美中競爭的背景下,中國展現擴大國際勢力的企圖,甚至有意挑戰美國地位。更重要的是,中國的擴張模式更為傾向以不遵守國際規則與秩序的方式為之,令澳洲深感不安。此外,中國藉由「銳實力」(sharp power)的操作影響澳洲國內政治發展,試圖藉此改變其對外政策,進而幫助自身實現戰略目的。最後,澳洲社會內部對於中國之觀感以及對於澳中關係之看法亦是重要因素。綜觀而言,本文認為中國自2013年以來勢力擴張的過程中,本身企圖與做法的改變,促使澳洲政府與社會整體上更傾向將中國視為威脅來源,最終導致澳洲中國政策轉向更加強調防範中國的影響力。


Australia is highly dependent on China in economy and trade. Since China became Australia's largest trading partner in 2007, the trade volume between the two countries has grown rapidly, attaching more importance to the bilateral economic relations in Australia’s policy toward China. However, since 2013, although Australia has not reduced its economic and trade dependence on China, it has become more attentive to minimize China’s influence in terms of its policy toward China, whether it is on China’s expansion of power in the region or China’s influence on domestic issues in Australia. This paper would look into the evolution of Australia's policy toward China from September 2013 when the Liberal Party of Australia (LPA) came into power to 2020, including the context of specific policy and the cause of such changes. When reviewing Australia’s policy on China in the past, that even during the Liberal Party's administration, Australia has always maintained an emphasis on developing economic relations with China. Therefore, this paper argued that the Liberal Party of Australia was only an irrelevant background, instead of being a primary cause of changes in Australia’s policy, when turned to take a more defensive stance toward China’s growing strength. This paper further analyzed the reasons in terms of international relations, China’s acting influence on Australia and its policy, and the public views on China in Australia. As far as international relations are concerned, with the growing competition between the United States and China, China has been shown to exert more strength in expansion of its international influence, and even intended to challenge the US position. More importantly, Australia has become more deeply disturbed by China's approach of expansion, which was generally done without abiding by international rules and order. In addition, China often tried to influence Australia's domestic political development through its so-called “sharp power”, as an attempt to shape Australia’s foreign policy to further advance its strategic goals. Finally, the public perception of Australia-China relations in Australia is also another important factor. Overall, this paper would argue that in the process of China's expansion since 2013, the changes in its approach and action have prompted the Australian government and the public to view China as a threat, which eventually led Australia to shift to emphasize on preventing China’s growing influence in its policy.


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