  • 學位論文


The influence of Naturalness in Landscape Environment on Creativity

指導教授 : 張俊彥


環境心理領域的研究中我們了解自然環境具有注意力恢復等生心理健康效益,然而我們尚不清楚環境如何影響創造力表現,此外我們好奇是否因為自然環境具有注意力恢復效益促進更好的創造力表現。本研究目的為探討觀看不同自然度景觀環境下的注意力恢復對創造力的影響。為了有效比較不同環境的恢復效益,我們將環境類型以自然度分為三個等級,驗證不同環境下的創造力表現。 本研究操作方法首先以台大校園為研究範圍,藉由專家照片評估法挑選符合研究目的之實驗照片,包括高自然度、中自然度、低自然度等三組環境照片作為實驗刺激物。實驗邀請100位受測者在隨機觀看其中一組景觀環境照片組的同時進行陶倫斯創造力測驗成人適用精簡版(ATTA),並填寫心理問卷包括感知注意力恢復量表(PRS)和靈感量表(IS)。實驗結果發現高自然度及中自然度在創造力表現上優於低自然度,其中從創造力各構面來看,不同自然度間精密性、變通性的表現達到顯著差異。在所有觀看不同自然度樣本中感知注意力恢復總級分與創造力表現總級分達到顯著相關,表明高自然度與中自然度環境所獲得更高的注意力恢復效益有助於提升更好的創造力表現。研究結論為當遇到工作困難時,觀看具有自然元素的景觀環境組成更能刺激好奇心產生靈活的想像力。此外,自然度高的景觀環境讓我們的心靈短暫遠離工作狀態所獲得注意力疲勞恢復效益有助於提出相比他人更獨特、多樣化的創意點子。本研究有助於提升對景觀環境健康效益的了解,並提供未來創造力需求之環境設計參考建議。


In the theory of environmental psychology, we have fully understood the natural elements, or the more natural environment has health benefits such as attention restoration, but we still don’t know how the environment affects creativity performance, so we are curious about whether the creativity performance is better in the attention restoration benefits the environment. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to explore the impact of attention restoration on creativity in viewing different natural landscape environments. In order to effectively compare the restoration benefits of different environments, we divided the types of environments into three levels based on the degree of naturalness to verify the performance of creativity in different environments. National Taiwan University campus was select as study area and capture environment photos as a basic photo pull for this study by Google Street Map Image API. Through expert photo evaluation, 3 represented photo sets (high naturalness, medium naturalness, low naturalness) were used as experimental stimuli for this study. During experiment process, we invited 100 subjects which were asked to take the creativity test of the Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults (ATTA) while the screen shows photo sets of specific landscape environments, also asked to fill psychological questionnaires including the Perceived Attention Restoration Scale (PRS) and the Inspiration Scale (IS). Results show that high naturalness and medium naturalness are superior to low naturalness in terms of creativity performance on ATTA test, significant differences found in elaboration and flexibility between different degrees of naturalness. In all the samples with different naturalness, the total score of perceived attention restoration and the total score of creativity performance reached a significant correlation. It can be seen that the higher attention restoration benefits obtained in high natural and medium natural environments will help to improve better Performance of creativity. The conclusion of the study is that viewing landscape environment composed with natural elements can stimulate curiosity and generate flexible imagination. In addition, the highly naturalness landscape environment allows our minds to stay away from work for a short time, and the benefits of attention restoration can help us to come up with more unique and diverse creative ideas than others. This research can provide an environmental reference for creativity environment design, and further understand of creativity as health benefits of landscape environment.


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