  • 學位論文


A Study of Thoughts on Women's Education of Japan in Early Modern Period from Kagamigusa and Himekagami

指導教授 : 田世民


江戶時代奠定了以儒家道德為基礎的女性觀,為了進一步向女性傳播儒家倫理,日本從中國輸入或改寫許多女子教訓書,並且廣泛滲透到社會各個階層。本論文以近世前期儒者中江藤樹(1608-1648)的女訓書《鑑草》、以及中村惕齋(1629-1702)的女訓書《比賣鑑》為例,對近世日本女子教育思想進行考察。雖然兩人同為儒學者,中江藤樹以陽明學為基礎形成了獨特的心學思想,並且結合佛教用語創造了「明德佛性」一詞;而中村惕齋則篤信朱子學,排斥佛教,以理為核心教育女子。二人在教化女子遵從儒家道德的同時,在萬物運行的原理、對待佛教的態度上有著不同的認知和評價。考察這兩本女訓書的教育思想,能夠了解近世前期日本社會對女子要求的倫理道德及相關具體規範,歸納出女子教育思想的特徵,並在一定程度上反映當時女性的社會地位。 通過考察,本論文指出《鑑草》與《比賣鑑》最大的思想特徵是,不僅主張女性應當做到三從四德,更教育女子為何要遵守儒家倫理,向女性詳細說明了其思想核心和宇宙自然的根本原理。而且,與江戶時期普遍存在「家庭教育的責任在父親」的印象不同,二人都強調女性在家庭教育中的影響力,並且在一定程度上肯定了女性的價值。此外,儘管二人對待佛教的態度有所差異,思想核心也不盡相同,但從女子教育的角度看來,藤樹和惕齋目的一致,本質上追求的都是培養出符合儒家道德的理想女性。


This dissertation discusses the Thoughts on Women's Education of Japan in Early Modern Period by exploring the oeuvres of Confucians Nakae Tōju (中江藤樹,1608-1648) Kagamigusa (鑑草) and Nakamura Tekisai (中村惕齋,1629-1702) Himekagami (比売鑑). Kagamigusa is a didactic story collection written by Tōju about women's education. Considering the differences between husband and wife, Tōju for women has been defined as devotion to the husband's parents, being faithful to the husband, teaching children. The study shows that Tōju's thoughts on women's education was based on“Meitoku Busshō”(明徳仏性) and Ko (孝). Himekagami is well regarded as a training manual for girls written by Tekisai. Tekisai 's thoughts on women's education was based on “Shushigaku”(朱子学). Shushigaku can stand for the development of education and standard of women’s education. Traditional women's education in Japan has always followed the basic principle: male superiority and female inferiority. According to Confucian scholars in Edo-period, women’s education that covered moral values and academic knowledge was ultimately for the purpose of serving the home. Nakae Tōju and Nakamura Tekisai not only told women that what they should do, but also educated women why they should abide by Confucian ethics, and explained to women in detail the core of their thoughts and the fundamental principles of the universe. They emphasized the influence of women in family education and affirmed the value of women. Although they have different attitudes towards Buddhism, Tōju and Tekisai have the same goal from the perspective of women's education, what they pursue is to educate women who conform to Confucian morality.


中村惕斎(1701)『近思録示蒙句解 弁異端類·仲子語録』、山形屋傳兵衛
