  • 學位論文


Travel-oriented Influencers on the Instagram: Prosumption, Gender, and Space

指導教授 : 黃宗儀




The rise of social media has been widely involved in the lives of many contemporary people, causing significant impacts on the lives of the majority. Instagram is one of the social media worthies of attention. A remarkable group of users on Instagram share their photos of travel spots on social media. Not only do they visit beautiful and attractive spots to capture photos, but they also share many photos composition and retouching practices through the internet. These users are widely known as "Influencers” in Taiwan. This study proposes the following research questions to understand the impact of Instagram on modern life based on the concept of prosumer from three perspectives, information technology and communication, gender studies, and geography: (1) How do the Influencers’ social media practices respond to the concept of production and consumption? How do these practices affect Influencers themselves and contemporary life and travel experiences? (2) What are the possibilities of gender-oriented breakthroughs, self-empowerment, or limitations in the social media production and consumption of the Influencers? (3) How does the online and offline Influencers practice affect the real-world scene? Through an integrated qualitative research approach, including interview methods, online ethnographies, and actual participant observation, this study come up with the following research findings: For travel-oriented Influencers on Instagram, their practices of prosumption lies in the fact that they see themselves as a brand and thus need to invest significant effort and time in travel, taking photos and even fighting against stigma in order to sustain their business. These labors bring both benefits and a sense of work to the Influencers, which can further respond to the concept of prosumer and supplement the changing connotation of prosumer under the increasingly developed and popular social media. As for gender, although the Influencers’ practices developed by social media may enable women to reverse the traditional gender script of patriarchy or to take the lead in some cases, which seems to be empowering, however, it is still necessary to be aware of the backlash of misogynistic forces. For example, the aforementioned stigma that the Influencers is fighting against is a part of misogyny, which causes two forces on the Internet to constantly wrestle with each other. Finally, the online prosumption enables the offline scenes to transform the meaning of space by spectacularizing them, where different producers will make the offline scenes become a stage that can be reproduced in the online social media through symbolic swapping. In the case of Christmasland in New Taipei City, the government has led the planning of the entire event, making it a gradual spectacle, while the visitors can create their own spectacles through online or offline learning that can be reproduced on social media.


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〈#黑特 #圖 眾網美們拜託有點公德心〉(2018)(https://www.dcard.tw/f/mood/p/228621399),取用日期:2020/6/20。
〈#黑特 網紅景點老梅石槽〉(2018)(https://www.dcard.tw/f/talk/p/228398990)
〈#黑特 請問是看不懂中文嗎?〉(2018)(https://www.dcard.tw/f/mood/p/228647791),取用日期:2020/6/20。
〈2022 樂天小熊餅廣告(情侶篇)〉(2021)(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ct4bSUALJY),取用日期:2022/4/8。
