  • 學位論文


An Economic Analysis of the Escape and Termination of Foreign Workers:A Case Study of C Agent Company

指導教授 : 張宏浩
共同指導教授 : 蘇怡如(Yi-Ju Su)


台灣自開放外籍勞工引進至今2022年已達30年,台灣對於外籍勞工的需求已經由補充性到不可替代性,且外籍勞工已是台灣廠商用人的重要選項,由於廠商聘僱外籍勞工除須依遵守勞動基準法規定及勞動契約約定事項外,還需另遵守就業服務法規的規範,若勞雇雙方合意提前終止契約或外籍勞工發生逃逸單方終止契約,都需要時間成本再向主管機關提出申請,才能引進新一名外籍勞工,並無法有聘僱本國勞工的自由彈性。本研究係以經營人力仲介業務達26年的C仲介公司近3年引進外籍勞工數據資料200筆進行研究分析,以統計迴歸分析方式進行實證分析外籍勞工提前終止契約行為的各項影響因子比較分析,探討外籍勞工國籍別及產業別影響外籍勞工來台工作期間解約離境及逃逸行為機率數據。 研究結果顯示,整體而言印尼籍和越南籍的移工相較於菲律賓籍移工的脫逃和提前解約比例都較高,2021年的移工相較於2019年脫逃和提前解約比例都較低,工作類別則是家庭類工作移工較容易脫逃和提前解約。本研究結果可提供廠商評估引進移工需求之參考依據。


外籍移工 脫逃 解約 經濟分析


In 2022, Taiwan has opened the labor market to welcome foreign workers for over thirty years. The demand of foreign labor in Taiwan has changed from supplementary to irreplaceable, and foreign labor has become an important labor source for Taiwanese enterprises. To comply with the provisions of the Labor Standards Act and the provisions of the labor contracts, it is necessary to abide by the regulations of employment service regulations. If both parties agree to terminate the contract earlier or the foreign worker escapes and unilaterally terminates the contract, it will take time and cost to file an application with the competent authority to import a new foreign worker, and cannot have the freedom and flexibility to hire domestic workers. This research collects data of 200 imported foreign workers in the past 3 years by C foreign labor company which has been operating the human resources agency for over 26 years. This study conducts an empirical analysis using statistical regression analysis to discuss the impact of foreign workers' nationality and job category on the probability of foreign workers' termination, departure, and escape behavior. The research shows that, Indonesian and Vietnamese migrant workers have higher escape and early termination rates than Filipino migrant workers. In addition, 2021’s migrant workers have lower escape and early termination rates than 2019’s migrant workers. As for the job category, household type migrant workers are more likely to escape and terminate contracts earlier. The result of this study can provide companies a reference on assessing their demand of migrant workers.


