  • 學位論文

低收福利身分取消後之生活狀況與因應經驗 —從社會排除多面向觀點

The Life Condition and Coping Experience of Welfare Status Cancellation for Low-income Households —From Multifaceted Perspective of Social Exclusion

指導教授 : 傅從喜




In the past research, there has been considerable discussion on the experience of low-income households in social assistance subsidies, and after the cancellation of welfare status, they are often considered to be out of poverty and become self-reliant. From the relatively sparse research in the past, it found that the low-income households did not leave welfare because of economic improvement, so the absence of low-income welfare status may not mean that they can escape poverty. From the multifaceted perspective of social exclusion, this study explores the economic shocks and other aspects of life that low-income households face after the cancellation of their welfare status, and how to cope with the difficulties they encounter. The research method adopts the method of Purposive Sampling and conducts qualitative in-depth interviews with seven people who used to have low-income welfare status, but now have no social assistance welfare status. To understand the reasons for their entry and exit of welfare, and the multi-faceted structure of the concept of social exclusion, and to discuss the impact of welfare cancellation on various aspects of their lives and how to deal with them. The results of the study found that most of the study participants left low-income welfare for involuntary reasons, which caused economic shocks after the cancellation of welfare status, and then had an impact on living, health, interpersonal relationships, social participation, leisure and entertainment and other aspects of life. This leads to the conclusion of the study: the restriction of many aspects of life due to the cancellation of welfare status, the stimulation of individual ways of survival in a restricted environment, the difficulty of footsteps after the removal of welfare status, and the social exclusion and integration of welfare leaving. Based on the above research results, research recommendations are put forward including: reviewing the appropriateness of the policy implementation and purpose of social assistance, assisting in preparations for the cancellation of welfare status, establishing a follow-up tracking mechanism, providing multi-faceted support, and reducing the occurrence of social exclusion as much as possible to promote integration into society.


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