  • 學位論文


The Impact of Legalizing Solar Panel Installation in Agricultural Lands on the Land Price: Take Miaoli County and Yunlin County for Example

指導教授 : 羅竹平


氣候變遷為國際間各國帶來的影響與災害逐年加大,各國與國際組織紛紛的思考如何減緩氣候變遷?甚至是還原至工業革命前的環境,在此思維下節能減碳逐漸成為顯學,人類思考如何減少自工業革命以來長期倚賴的石化燃料情況。無碳排放量的再生能源的應用逐漸受到重視,國際上各國與跨國組織紛紛自訂減碳期程與目標,這一趨勢讓再生能源產業成為新興熱門產業。 台灣政府2019年將台灣能源轉型目標入法,預計2025年再生能源發電量佔台灣總發電量20%,因此一目標政策不論是外商或本土廠商如火如荼的展開再生能源發電設備的建置,投資風力發電或太陽能光電頓時成為台灣最火紅的產業之一,伴隨產業的發展也逐漸產生許許多多的不同意見的聲音發出。台灣是一個島嶼國家土地與資源有限,再生能源是倚賴大自然的力量產生能源,然而設置再生能源發電系統不論是風力發電或是太陽光電需要廣袤的土地,在這擁擠的島國如何取得廣大的土地設置再生能源發電系統就成為棘手問題,往往設置再生能源發電系統會遇到質疑破壞環境生態、影響農業生產等諸多挑戰。 本研究僅就開放農業用地設置地面型太陽光電系統是否會影響農業用地價格進行討論,農委會曾在2018年至2020年期間短暫開放二公頃以下農業用地進行變更設置太陽能光電發電系統設置。本研究將當時開放設置的苗栗縣與未開放的雲林縣進行比較,比較開放前後的農業用地成交價格與數量是否有明顯不同? 依本研究結果顯示,開放農業用地申請變更設置地面型太陽能發電設備在苗栗縣並未造成農業用地交易價格上漲。主要原因可能是北部(苗栗縣)的農地價格已超過了地面型太陽能發電設備最高願付價格。 本研究根據三家廠商投資模型了解廠商對於購買農業用地變更設置地面型太陽能發電設備最高願付價格最高為3,000元/平方公尺。在苗栗縣農業用地平均成交單價3,600元/平方公尺~4,500元/平方公尺情況下,三家廠商皆不會在苗栗縣購買農業用地設置地面型太陽能發電系統。 另外,本研究預期,假設雲林縣開放農業用地變更設置地面型太陽能發電系統,在雲林縣的農業用地平均成交單價落在1,600元/平方公尺~2,000元/平方公尺情況下,由於低於廠商最高願付價格3,000元/平方公尺,太陽能投資廠商確實會投資購買,將導致當地農業用地價格上漲。然而,一定面積設置太陽能發電系統的投資收益是穩定的,因此太陽能投資廠商對於農業用地交易單價並不會無上限的競逐。


As climate change bringing increasing disasters all around the world, governments and international organizations worldwide have been considering how to cope with its impact. Even back to the world before Industrialization, the notion of energy conservation has gradually become a popular topic of research, with humanity contemplating how to reduce their long-term dependence on fossil fuels since Industrialization. The application of renewable energy without carbon dioxide emission valued, governments and international organizations establish schedules and goals on reducing the emission, which has made the renewable energy industry a increasingly favored industry. The Taiwanese government legislated energy source transition goals in 2019, anticipating that the electricity production from renewable energy will take up 20% of the total electricity generation in Taiwan in 2025. Due to this policy, foreign and local companies alike vigorously started installing generating facilities based on renewable energy, immediately making wind power generation and solar photovoltaic power generation highly invested industries in Taiwan. Along with the industry development, opinions also arise. As an island country, Taiwan has limited land and resources. It is challenging for Taiwan to develop renewable energy production, since it is a generation method replying on natural forces, and wind power generation and solar photovoltaic power generation both require a vast land range. How to obtain land on this narrow island to install renewable energy generating system has become a troublesome topic. Even worse, the installation of renewable energy generating system is often confronted with challenges such as its destruction of environmental ecology, impact on local agricultural production, etc. This research discusses whether legalizing the installation of ground-mounted photovoltaic (PV) electric systems on agricultural lands will affect the land price. In 2018-2020, the Council of Agriculture, Execution Yuan shortly allowed to install PV systems on agricultural land under 2 hectares. This research compares Miaoli County, where the installation was allowed, and Yunlin County, where it was not, to see if there were striking differences in the deal prices and amount between the periods before/after the policy. According to the research result, admitting the application of transferring agricultural lands into ground-mounted PV system facilities in Miaoli County did not cause an increase in the land deal price. A possible reason may be that the land price for agricultural land in the northern part of Taiwan is higher than the maximum willingness to pay (WTP) for ground-mounted PV facilities. This research finds the maximum WTP of ground-mounted PV facilities is 3,000 dollars per square meter according to the investment modules from three related firms. With the average deal price of agricultural land being 3,600~4,500 dollars per square meter in Miaoli County, all three firms would not purchase agricultural land to install ground-mounted PV systems. Additionally, this research anticipates that if Yunlin County allows transferring agricultural lands into ground-mounted PV system facilities, with the local average deal price of agricultural lands being 1,600~2,000 dollars per square meter, since it is lower than the firm maximum, WTP 3,000 dollars per square meter, solar power investors would indeed purchase, causing a rise in the land price. Even so, the investment interest in establishing PV systems in a specific area is stable, so PV energy investors would not compete at the deal price of agricultural land unlimitedly.


