  • 學位論文


Being Parents and Self at Outdoor Home - Consumption, Identity and Reflexing in the Context of Family Camping in Taiwan

指導教授 : 闕河嘉


休閒觀光消費是當代探究認同的重要場域之一;鑑於既有觀光認同研究,多僅聚焦在單獨長程的背包旅行形式,且消費文化領域中亦需更多聚焦家庭旅遊消費與親職認同關聯之研究,因此,本研究將台灣親子露營現象置放在認同-消費理論架構下、旨在探究自然家庭旅遊消費與父母遊客各種認同間是如何交織與關聯。研究者以質性取徑切入,透過歸納式的主題性分析方法檢視26位部落客的親子露營遊記文章與14位親子露營家長的訪談資料,試圖分析父母遊客親子露營(消費)旅遊經驗敘事中的認同展顯與建構,並以環境傳播理論概念切入、聚焦檢視前述認同敘事中自然(空間)消費使用之描述,以理解父母遊客的自然觀點、也就是他們如何看待自身與自然環境的關係。 分析結果顯示,家庭旅遊消費確與父母遊客的親職認同之展顯建構有著緊密關聯,消費親子露營不僅反映多數父母認定「好爸媽」就是要讓孩子接近自然的理想親職認同,部分父母也會以此來將自己與其他抱持傳統教養思維的父母進行劃界;親子露營亦讓平日忙碌父母得以達成教養陪伴、保護與訓練孩子的親職任務,而孩子的正向回饋更讓父母遊客強化親職認同與親子露營之連結與認同。然而,透過檢視前述親職認同敘事,研究者也發現父母遊客透過功能性與象徵性地消費其所在的自然(空間),讓他們得以輕鬆當(做)個好爸媽、並享有個人閒暇時光。而多數父母遊客的確也善用此段難得專屬時間來表達他們是什麼樣的人或屬於什麼樣的團體,例如:與其他家長朋友社交聚會,成為團體中的主導角色,或透過消費戶外裝備或生活風格用品來展顯自己的品味美學等。此外,親子露營亦滿足了父母遊客擁有美景環繞的(臨時)鄉間別墅之夢想,同時讓他們仍享有觀光度假的新奇搜集與享樂舒適體驗。 親子露營看似是個親子雙贏的家庭休閒最佳解決方案,然而,多數父母遊客(特別是撰寫部落格的父母遊客)在展顯認同時,卻也高度推崇一個他們稱為大自然、但實質上卻明顯有著人工介入與維護的多功能營地空間;研究者主張這樣的同質敘事在社群媒體意識形態操作下,逐漸形成一個主流但卻矛盾的自然消費論述,傳遞與強化了將自然視為符號商品、與去連結之他者等偏向人類中心主義思維的自然觀點。本研究對既有偏重長途背包旅行的觀光認同研究、及親職消費研究,提供了由家庭旅遊角度切入的觀點與實證經驗資料,此篇研究結果也呼應與佐證認同議題將有助於更深入探索環境研究中態度與實際行為鴻溝議題之論點。


Leisure and tourism consumption is one of the most important studying areas for exploring identity issues nowadays. Given that the limitation of current travel identity research and the evident paucity of family tourism studies in consumer culture area, the present study set family camping into the framework of identity-consumption theory, to explore how nature-based family tourism consumption is related to parent tourists’ identities. A thematic method with an inductive nature was adopted to examine 26 bloggers’ family camping blog posts and the verbatim transcripts of 14 parent tourists’ interviews. Through analyzing these family camping experiences and related narratives, this research aimed to uncover how parent tourists display and construct their parenthood and other identities, and reveal how most parents view themselves in relation to the natural environment in the context of nature- based family tourism. The study results indicate that family camping consumption is closely related to the display and construction of parenthood. Through consuming family camping, parent tourists identify themselves as ideal parents for keeping their children close to nature, and differentiate themselves from those parents who only care about their children’s school performance. Family camping also allows busy parents have an occasion to fulfill their parenting tasks of accompanying, protecting and training their children, which further enhance their parental identity. However, through examining these parenthood narratives, the researcher also found that the campground and its natural surroundings are consumed as a multi-functional space named “nature”, as well as a symbol of ideal parenthood, which allow camping parents to satisfy their children’s needs and enjoy their own leisure at the same time. And most parent tourists do use this rare leisure time to express who they are or what kind of group they belong to. These self-identities highlighted in this study include: socializing with other parents, playing a leader role in their group of camping friends, or expressing their aesthetic tastes through the consumption/use of branded outdoor gear or lifestyle products. Furthermore, family camping not only fulfills these camping parents' dreams of spending weekends in a (temporary) rural second home surrounded by beautiful scenery, but also allows them to enjoy novel and hedonistic experiences during their vacation. Family camping may seem like one of the best family leisure solutions for parents and children. However, the identity narratives of most parent tourists (especially those bloggers) also strongly promote a multi-functional camping space named “nature”, but which is in fact clearly artificial. The researcher argued that manipulating ideology on social media normalizes and reproduces a dominant but controversial discourse of nature consumption, which fosters and reinforces anthropocentric views/perceptions about the commoditization and othering of nature. This study offers an insight from family tourism perspectives and makes an empirical contribution to the existing literatures on tourism identity and the field of consumer culture. In addition, the results of this research also support the argument that identity will help to explore the attitude–behaviour gap issue in environment studies.


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