  • 學位論文


The Effect of telecommuting intensity on job satisfaction and performance

指導教授 : 吳玲玲


在2002年,美國人口普查局就報告過有15%的就業人員每週至少在家工作一次,并且人数逐年增长。IBM在2009年時就已經有90%的人進行了遠距辦公。雖說很多企業在很早以前就開始了遠距辦公,但是這一辦公形式並沒有普及。然而自2020年COVID-19大爆發以來,遠距辦公就變成了最尋常的辦公方式。本研究也希望探討隨著遠距辦公的常態化後,遠距辦公的強度對於中介變項(工作家庭衝突、家庭工作衝突)以及個人成果(工作滿意度、個人績效和團體績效)有什麼影響。尤其是在性別和任務互賴干擾下,遠距辦公強度對於家庭與工作之間的衝突和個人成果有什麼樣的調節作用。為做此實證研究,本研究共收集了748位受訪者進行問卷調查,最終有效問卷729份。 通過實證研究我們得出了幾個有趣的結論。 一方面,我們發現遠距辦公強度對男性的工作家庭衝突和家庭工作衝突有影響,且是正向影響,影響也遠大於女性。在以往的文獻中都是女性遠距辦公更容易受到家庭與工作衝突的正向影響,然後我們的實證結果卻是相反的,但是這也是情理之中,現在社會女性承擔工作的同時也比男性付出更多的時間精力照顧家庭,因為女性本就在平衡家庭和工作之間的衝突。因此我們得出結論是企業在給員工安排工作方式的時候不要讓男員工遠距辦公,可以讓女員工遠距辦公。另一方面,低任务互赖使得遠距辦公加劇了工作家庭衝突和家庭工作衝突。高任務互賴反而沒有效果。因此,需要獨立工作的員工不要遠距辦工,工作性質是高任務互賴的員工可以遠距辦公。


In 2002, the U.S. Census Bureau reported that 15 percent of employed workers worked from home at least once a week, and the number has grown year by year. For instance, 90% of IBM's workforce telecommuted in 2009. Although many companies have been telecommuting for a long time, it is not a popular form of work. However, since the outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, telecommuting has become the most common form of work. This study also aims to examine how the intensity of telecommuting affects mediating variables (work-family conflict, family-work conflict) and individual outcomes (job satisfaction, individual performance, and group performance) as telecommuting becomes more universal. In particular, how telecommuting intensity moderates family-work conflict and personal outcomes in the presence of gender and task interdependence will be explored. To conduct this empirical study, 748 respondents participated in the survey, with 729 valid questionnaires. Several interesting conclusions were drawn from the empirical study. We found that telecommuting intensity had an effect on work-family conflict and family-work conflict for men, and the effect was positive and much more significant than that for women. In the previous literature, women are more likely to be positively influenced by family-work conflict in telecommuting, but our empirical results show the opposite. However, this is also true because women in today's society spend more time and energy taking care of their families than men do while they are working. Therefore, women have already been balancing the conflict between family and work. Therefore, we conclude that companies should encourage women to telecommute while men should be recommended not to telecommute. On the other hand, low task interdependence makes telecommuting aggravate WFC and FWC, while high task interdependence has no effect. Therefore, employees who need to work independently should not telecommute, and employees whose jobs are of high task interdependence should telecommute.


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