  • 學位論文


The Effect of Standard Operating Procedures Amendment on the Performance of Hospital Material Depot

指導教授 : 應純哲
共同指導教授 : 陳文旭(Wen-Xu Chen)


研究動機與目的:醫療院所內進行各種治療行為皆需要使用衛耗材,因此不可有呆滯料以及缺料等問題發生,故本研究目的為分析標準作業流程的修訂對於醫院資材庫之請購及撥補作業的影響。 研究方法:本研究利用資料回溯方式分析個案醫院之資材庫標準作業流程修訂結果,利用SPSS 18.0統計軟體,以描述性統計以及獨立樣本 t 檢定方式針對缺料率、異常領用率、報廢率、衛材週轉率等各項指標性數據進行運算分析,找出程序修訂前後的差異性,並且探討對於個案醫院資材總庫工作人員之績效是否有所提升。 研究結果:進行標準作業流程修訂後,指標性數據包括:缺料總筆數 (p<0.05) 、異常調撥總數量 (p<0.05)、請購案數量 (p<0.05) 及缺料率 (p<0.05) 有明顯的降低,總庫之績效達到明顯的提升,且護理單位對於自動撥補後額外調撥的數量減少,故證實標準作業流程的修訂對於醫院資材庫有達到正向的效益。 結論與建議:標準作業流程修訂有助於成本降低、品質改善,在庫房人員績效 (異常撥補量降低,庫房人員額外工作減少、自動撥補缺料率有顯著性下降,代表總庫人員績效提升) 亦有提升。本研究結果不僅能運用在個案醫院各物料管理單位,同時也能提供給其他醫療院所及非醫療產業之倉儲管理效率作為參考。


Background and purpose: Various medical treatments need medical supplies and consumables in material management. Therefore, excess material and material shortage problems should not occur. The purpose of the study was to analyze the effect of standard operating procedures (SOP) amendment of purchasing and appropriation on the hospital material depot. Method: The retrospective database was used in the study. In order to realize the differences and performance between pre and post SOP amendment in the hospital material depot, descriptive statistics and t-test were analyzed for the indicators of material shortage rate, abnormal consuming rate, scrapped rate and medical supplies turnover rate during 2010 and 2013. Result: Total material shortage item, abnormal consuming item, items of purchase and material shortage rate decreased significantly. After SOP amendment, the extra needs of nursing units reduced significantly, staff performance had improved significantly as well. The SOP amendment lead to an effective operation of hospital material depot. Conclusion and Suggestion: The SOP amendment had the operation cost reduction and improved quality of services. Abnormal consuming items decreased means the staff decreased extra loading. Material shortage rate decreased means the staff performance had been raised. The results of this study are able to used in every material management unit, and provide knowledge to hospital material management, and served effectiveness evaluation.


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