  • 學位論文


Comparison Effects of Different health educational program on Disease Knowledge, Self-care and Quality of Life for Patients with Heart Failure

指導教授 : 林佑樺


背景:心臟衰竭病人因症狀困擾反覆住院,影響生活品質,雖然自我調節理論已被應用在協助處理慢性病人問題之研究,但鮮少應用於心臟衰竭病人之研究。 目的:探討以不同衛教方案對心臟衰竭病人疾病認知、自我照顧及生活品質之成效。 研究設計:採類實驗性雙組前、後測研究設計。 研究方法:研究樣本取自台灣南部某醫學中心心臟血管中心及門診,實驗組(n=28)以自我調節理論為介入措施進行衛生教育,並配合一般性照護;對照組(n=29)給予傳統衛教及一般照護。測量工具包括:心臟衰竭知識量表、心臟衰竭自我照顧量表、心臟衰竭生活品質量表及個人基本資料等。 結果:後測實驗組和對照組在疾病認知(11.86分vs 13.09分),自我照顧整體(59.36分vs 55.48分)、自我照顧維持行為(31.11分vs 28.34分)、自我照顧管理行為(11.14分vs 11.41分)與自我照顧信心(17.11分vs 15.69分)及生活品質改善(31.36分 vs 39.79分)等方面均有成長與改善,雖實驗組得分皆優於對照組,但兩組之間未達顯著差異(所有P> .05)。 結論臨床應用:本研究結果兩組病人在疾病認知有統計差異,雖其他部分未達統計差異,然實驗組得分之成長與改善大多高於對照組,未來仍可供臨床照護之參考,教導病人自我調節技能,增強自我照顧能力,減少反覆住院,改善生活品質。


Background: Symptoms distress and occurrence re-admission influenced quality of life of patient with heart failure. Although, some researches had been applied self-regulation theory to manage the issues of patients with chronic disease, but for heart patients still rare. Aim: The purposes of this study was to examine the effects of different health education methods on disease knowledge, self-care and quality of life in patients with heart failure. Design: The quasi-experimental design was conducted. Methods: Participants were recruited from a medical center in southern Taiwan. Participants were distributed into with a self-regulation theory education group (experimental group, n =28) or with regularly care group (control group, n =29). Outcome measurements included heart failure knowledge scale, heart failure self-care scale, heart failure related quality of life scale, disease related data, and personal demographics. We examined outcome indicators before intervention and follow up at five weeks after nursing intervention. Results: A post-test comparison of the two groups’ mean score, the disease knowledge(11.86 vs 13.09), all self-care (59.36 vs 55.48), self-care maintain behavior (31.11 vs 28.38), self-care management behavior (11.14 vs 11.41), self-care confidential behavior (17.11vs 15.69), and quality of life (31.36 vs 39.79) showed the experimental group have had growth and improvement than control group, but there were no significant difference (all p>.05)between two groups. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the effects of self-regulation education in increasing disease knowledge in heart failure patients, and potential to improve patient’s self-care and quality of life. Findings may be referenced in the development the self-regulation education to enhance disease knowledge, self-care and quality of life in patients with heart failure.


