  • 學位論文


The study of the rice marketing strategy in Guanshan from Taitung county: the case of Guanshan farmers’ association.

指導教授 : 蘇德銓 顏才博


摘 要 學號:N9822019 論文題目:臺東縣關山鎮稻米行銷策略研究─以關山鎮農會為例 總頁數:101頁 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系(所)別:熱帶農業暨國際合作系 畢業時間及摘要別:100 學年度第2學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:陳弘道 指導教授:顏才博博士、蘇德銓博士 論文摘要內容: 2002年臺灣加入WTO後,臺灣傳統稻作產業即面臨著衝擊,近五年內,稻農戶數減少了6萬2千戶;近十年內,水田生產面積減少2萬6千公頃,稻作產量也減少32萬7千公噸,年產值更萎縮了8億9千4百萬左右。在面臨各種困境之下,唯獨東部地區的稻作產業,尤其以臺東縣關山地區之稻米產銷量仍逐年成長,基於此因素之下,本研究以關山鎮農會所生產之關山米產品為研究對象,並探討關山鎮農會對於稻米產業發展及產品之銷售模式。 本研究分成兩個面向,在關山稻米產業發展過程方面,本研究透過與農會人員的深入訪談來獲得訊息;在關山米產品銷售模式方面,以問卷調查為主要研究方式並從購買稻米產品之消費者填答中得到關山米產品之銷售資訊,以此得到更完整的銷售策略。 經深入訪談與分析後結果顯示:關山鎮稻米產業在近十年的產量、銷售量及稻米價格呈現逐年成長之趨勢,歸納出其主要因素為:(1)近幾年稻米價格平穩,稻農耕作意願提高(2)政府提倡「小地主大佃農」政策,提高稻米栽種品質(3)農會對稻農的輔導與教育落實(4)碾米廠全自動化的烘穀及碾米機械設備設置提高產值及產能。 來自消費者的問卷調查表明,研究可得知消費者願意購買「關山米」產品之主要原因為「風味及口感佳」及「品質值得信賴」,且約七成的消費者認為售價合理,在產品的外包裝設計對消費者購買意願之影響方面,多數地區的消費者皆認為產品外包裝設計好壞並無法影響其購買意願,而外包裝標示說明的詳實與否則直接影響其購買意願,而消費者獲取「關山米」產品資訊之主要管道是透過「親友推薦」,並且僅只侷限於東部地區,而消費者購買「關山米」產品之購買主要管道還是以「農會生鮮超市」、「大型賣場或量販店」及「全聯福利中心」為主,但是關山鎮農會所設立的「農會休閒旅遊中心」對於推廣關山米產品的成效較侷限於東部地區。。 最後透過行銷組合策略分析,提供更完善的銷售建議。在產品生產方面必須提高消費者對關山米產品在安全衛生方面管理機制之信任,並取得關山米註冊商標,同時提供適合各地區消費者需求之包裝量;在產品流通方面,維持現有銷售通路並加強電話訂購之購買管道,積極拓展市場,並提供更便利之購買管道;在銷售價格方面,須維持產品價格於同等級稻米之低標,以低價策略提高銷售量;在銷售推廣方面,應積極辦理產銷活動並參與稻米品質競賽,善用公共媒體提高市場知名度及曝光率,提供產品資訊於網路平臺流通來輔助推廣,並結合休閒農業產業,深耕稻作文化,提升產品價值,倘若能吸引更多遊客前往參觀則更能對產品在銷售及曝光量方面得到更多的效益。


行銷策略 農會 稻米 包裝 關山


Abstract Student ID: N9822019 Title of Thesis:The study of the rice marketing strategy in GuanShan from Taitung county: the case of GuanShan farmers’ association. Total Page:101 page Name of Institute:Natinal Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department(Institute): Department of Tropical Agriculture and International Cooperation Graduate Date:December 17, 2011 Degree Conferred:Master Name of Student:Hong-Dao Chen Adviser:Tsair-Bor Yen, Ph. D.   Te-Chuan Su, Ph. D. The Contents of Abstract in This Thesis: Taiwan’s traditional rice cultivation industry has been facing the impact since Taiwan joined in the WTO in 2002, which means the number of rice farmers has decreased 62,000 households in recent 5 years, and the area of rice-producing fields also reduced 26,000 hectares. The amount of rice products has reduced 327,000 tons, and the annual output value has diminished about NT$ 894,000,000. Confronting all these difficulties, only the Eastern Taiwan’s rice cultivation industry, especially the GuanShan area’s rice production and sales, keep growing year after year. In order to find out why the rice production in eastern Taiwan was not affected by the impact of WTO, the GuanShan rice products from the GuanShan Township Farmers’ Association was investigated in terms of rice industry development and the sales pattern of the GuanShan Township Farmers’ Association in this study. This study was divided into two parts. First, the rice industry development was evaluated by in-depth interview with the staffs of the Farmers’ Association. Second, the product sales pattern was studied by questionnaire method, which collected the whole sales information and strategy. The results of interview showed that the factors of the trend for rice production and price are ‘farmers working willingness rises due to the steady rice price’, ‘government’s policy for small landlord and big peasant increasing the rice quality’, ‘the effective guidance and education affecting the rice farmers’ and ‘fully automated grain-drying and rice-milling enhancing the production value and capability’. The questionnaire results from consumers indicated that the main reasons of consumers’ preference for GuanShan rice products are ‘good savor and taste’ and ’reliable quality’. About 70% consumers think the price of GuanShan rice is reasonable. As for the influence of the product packaging to the purchasing willingness, consumers of most areas consider that the product packaging and designing do not influence their buying willingness, but the accuracy of tag’s information would directly affect their purchase. Regarding the product information of GuanShan rice for consumers, it is mainly via the recommendation from friends or relatives especially in the eastern Taiwan. The consumers’ purchasing channel to the GuanShan rice products are mostly from the ‘Farmers’ Association Supermarkets’, ‘Warehouse-sale stores’ or ‘Bulk-sale stores’ as well as the ‘General Co-op stores’. Meanwhile, the contribution of the ‘Farmers’ Association Tourism and Resort Center’ founded by the ‘GuanShan Township Farmers’ Association’ to the promotion of rice was significant in the eastern Taiwan only. Based on the results in this study, it is important to raise consumers’ confidence on the food safety management of GuanShan products with registered trademarks, and provide appropriate packaging sizes for consumers in different areas. Regarding the circulation of products, results suggested that maintaining the current sales outlets, improving the phone-order access and expanding the market aggressively with more convenient accesses to products are also important. Beside, sales price should be kept at the lowest bidding price among the competition. For increasing the brand awareness, farmers are suggested to attend more product contests and related promotion activities through various media such as internet or television. In addition, combining leisure agriculture with rice farming could attract more tourists to GuanShan, and gain better publicity for rice products.


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