  • 學位論文

平地造林修枝材於學童美育材料包運用探討 ─以櫸木為例

The Application Assessments of Pruning Materials of the Plain Afforestation in Aesthetic Education of Elementary School-Case of Zelkova Serrata.

指導教授 : 江吉龍 黃俊傑


本研究採用平地造林直徑級60mm以下的櫸木修枝撫育材料,經由選材備用、外觀形態與材質特徵之觀察以及其裁切所產生的形態特色等之歸類彙整,試圖建立常用單位零件編碼的資料庫,選擇適合於學童美感教育且有童趣的造型工藝主題,配合工藝技巧的組合,並輔以具環境生態教育意義的漫畫故事編撰,相輔相成的組成美育教學材料包,評估探討適用於學童美育之教學運用。茲歸納彙整主要研究的成果如下: 1. 本研究所採用的櫸木修枝材,經直徑級分類後以ψ10mm~ψ30mm者數量居多,約占89%,極適於量產運用之顧慮。同時運用櫸木具有環孔材特徵,經利用其枝條分叉、樹節、水平皮孔以及其裁切所形成的外觀造型,加以分類編碼形成資料庫,便可隨時將所欲完成的作品造型解構成單元零件,再自類別資料庫中挑選所需的各分件或零件,配合輔助材料的使用,便可自行搭配完成一件作品,甚至依此方式組成類似DIY的材料包,提供學校美感教育課程之素材。 2. 櫸木修枝材所規劃完成的材料包,實際實施於國小學童之體驗,可讓教師們瞭解修枝材之美育材料包是學童推廣「木教育」與「環境教育」適合的媒介,亦可編撰加入這些解說內容的漫畫繪本,以吸引學童們上課興趣,並可從課程體驗過程中,加深學童對環境友善環保材料的利用形態與價值之印象,以及豐富藝術與人文領域的美育課程,強化 了修枝材開發商品化學童美育材料包的可能性。 3. 透過櫸木修枝材為例的模式,若能相效於其它平地造林樹種之修枝材的再利用,即可以新的素材、新的創意思維而形成一股新興的產業,更能透過各地林業合作社與林農合作模式來輔導推廣,增加修枝材的使用率,貫徹落實修枝撫育的執行。 4. 建議若能進一步訓練林農相關修枝撫育備料之技術,或者尋求並媒合具備能力之廠商共同開發美育材料包,藉以打開行銷通路,也能增加農村閒置人口就業機會,不但可以做到全材利用的減廢精神,又可養成優良林木,更能讓木材產品成為一種文化的、自然且追求永續的生活態度。 【關鍵字】平地造林、修枝撫育、櫸木、木教育、環境教育。


Utilizing the Zelkova serrata Hay with the pruning materials of 60 mm or less in diameter, the study attempted to build a database of common unit coded parts through the selections of the spares, the morphology, the observation of the materials, and the shaping characteristics of cutting process. The study also tried to select suitable and playful style craft themes, match the combination with craftsmanship, and compile the supplementary with environmental and ecological educational comic stories to compose the teaching material package, and to evaluate the teaching application of aesthetic education for elementary school children. The results of the study were as follows: 1. The pruning branches of Zelkova serrata the study used classified fromψ10mm~ψ30mm in diameter (about 89%) and were highly suitable for mass production. Using the characteristic with a ring porous wood, bifurcated branches, knot, horizontal lenticels and the appearance shape after cutting of the Zelkova serrata, the study built a database that can decompose a complete work into small units/ modules at any time and vice versa. Based on this procedure, the database can provide the DIY materials package and were suitable for aesthetic education courses in elementary schools. 2. The actual implementation of these materials package of the pruning branches of Zelkova serrata was a good experience for elementary school students. In addition, teachers can understand the material packages were the proper intermedium to promote the content of "wood education" and "environmental education." The comic picture books with the related content also attracted students’ interest and the experiential courses can deepen students’ impression with the value of the use of environmentally friendly forms and materials. These advantages of the materials package strengthened the possibility of the development of the commercialization in aesthetic education for elementary school children. 3. Taking the pruning branches of Zelkova serrata as an example, if its effect can be reused by other species of the plain afforestation, the new material and new creative thinking can form a new industry. Additionally, through the promotion of forest cooperative society and the cooperation between forestry and agriculture, and the increasing of pruning usage, the implementation of pruning and tending can be practicable thoroughly. 4. The study also suggested that if the farmers can be further trained by related technology of pruning and tending or to seek the capable manufacturers to jointly developed aesthetic material package, it not only can open marketing channels, but also increased employment opportunities for the rural population idle. Furthermore, wood products will be able to become a cultural, natural and sustainable approach of life attitude.


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