  • 學位論文


SOAP-based Domain Web Service Middleware Architecture for Heterogeneous Mobile Appliances

指導教授 : 龔旭陽


近年來隨著實現服務導向架構(Service Oriented Architecture, SOA)的Web服務(Web Services, WS)出現,使軟體開發更具彈性且易與其他軟體整合,然而WS在用戶端(Client)之應用性上仍然有兩項限制存在,首先是(1)標準WS與用戶端應用程式(Client Application)之結合需於系統開發階段進行,因此WS請求者(WS Requester)無法於系統執行階段中,動態地增加WS或更換WS提供者(WS Provider),另一限制則是(2)當WS經歷更新(Upgrade)時,將可能因WS之操作方式(Operation)增加或語意改變,讓用戶端應用程式(Client Application)不易即時更新且可能造成使用上的錯誤,同時若該WS應用於多類應用程式(Java GUI, .Net GUI, Web Pages等)或多種應用環境(PC, PDA, UMPC等)時,各式應用程式皆需進行更正,而上述之兩項限制造成WS應用性上之限制與不便,使WS仍不足以達到鬆散耦合(loosely coupled)之目標。為了解決第一項限制,有研究者提出虛擬Web服務(Virtual Web Services, VWS)之概念,透過VWS達到用戶端能夠動態切換服務提供者之能力,然而VWS之環境中,VWS與WS間之服務語意(Service Semantic)主要由VWS提供者設定,服務語意乃指Web服務描述(WSDL)中,各操作方法(Operation)之命名語意,因此當WS更新時,VWS可能因服務語意之變異而導致調用上錯誤,為降低此問題之風險,本研究設計一領域Web服務(Domain Web Services, DWS),首要將VWS與WS間之服務語意維護工作,改由WS提供者負責,藉以達到即時修正之能力;而DWS設計應用於同領域之WS彈性整合,實現領域之WS快速整合能力及以眾聚齊力之方式拓展服務來源之豐富性。第二項限制則採用介面標記語言(User Interface Makeup Language, UIML)與動態WS調用(Dynamic Web Service Invocation)之結合,透過用戶端的介面的動態產生能力,解決當DWS更新時,用戶端介面因無法即時更動而造成無法取得較新之內容及可能造成錯誤之問題,同時藉由UIML一體性使用者介面描述方式,將可運作於各類型應用程式中。為達解決上述限制之目標,本研究實現一領域Web服務中介平台(Domain Web Service Middleware, DWSM),由DWS提供WS合併及WS提供者切換之能力,且將之間語意維護作業改由WS提供者進行,強化VWS的彈性與延展性;同時採用動態WS調用與UIML之結合,使各類型應用程式及環境能夠動態產生使用者介面並且動態的調用DWS,藉此加強WS在應用上更具鬆散耦合之能力。


Developed for the Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Web Service (WS) is making software more flexible and easy to integrate with other software. Despite its openness, WS is limited in two problems: (1)WS should be bound with mobile clients in programming time, and (2)the mobile clients should create a proxy stub code and user interface (UI) in programming time. These two limitations make WS loosely coupled insufficiently. To solve the first limitation, some researchers have developed an architecture called Virtual Web Services (VWS) that enables mobile clients to bind with service provider flexibly. In VWS, the VWS provider should create the relations between VWS and WS, implying that when the WS provider changes some operations or arguments, the WS causes an error in VWS. Therefore, this work improves VWS to Domain Web Service (DWS) by amend the relations that are from VWS provider to WS provider. With respect to the static user interface, User Interface Makeup Language (UIML) is used to describe the user interface, and allows the user interface to be generated dynamically. Given the ability to resolve the above two limitations, this work presents a Domain Web Service Middleware (DWSM), capable of binding with service providers flexibly based on DWS. In doing so, VWS is made more complete by relating the WS with VWS by WS provider. Dynamic invocation is then used with WS and UIML to enable the mobile clients to bind with DWS and generate user interfaces with DWS dynamically.


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