  • 學位論文


A Study on Math Learning Effectiveness and Attitudes Applied with Blended-teaching in Junior High School.

指導教授 : 羅希哲


本研究旨在探討混成式教學對國中學生數學學習態度與數學學習成效的影響。本研究採用準實驗研究法,以屏東縣某公立國中七年級55名學生為研究對象,分為實驗組(28人)與對照組(27人),實施前、後測的實驗教學。實驗組實施混成式教學,而對照組實施傳統教學。在教學實驗裡,不同的教學法為自變項,探討混成式教學與傳統教學對學生數學學習態度及數學學習成效所產生的影響。其中本研究所實施混成式教學法是以混成式學習原理為依據,設計透過非同步式線上教學、課堂數位學習及團體知識分享等三方面結合及使用「FingerClick」IRS即時反饋系統、AVer F50實物投影機及FB教學社團作為教學工具的混成式教學法。教學實驗前先施以數學學習成效的前測,實驗結束後,再施以數學學習成效後測,並在實驗過程中施以數學評量測驗,以了解過程中的學習狀況。實驗組學生在實驗教學結束後,分別再進行數學學習態度量表及系統使用態度訪談大綱。就兩組進行描述性統計、成對樣本t檢定、單一樣本t檢定、多元迴歸與單因子共變數分析。 本研究結果如下:(1)實施混成式教學後,學生在數學學習態度的學習慾望、學習過程、學習方法、數學信念與整體總分上,學生數學學習態度是有具正向態度。(2)在數學學習成效上,排除前測的影響,進行兩組共變數分析後,比較兩組差異,混成式學習與傳統學習數學後測成績上,實驗組是顯著高於對照組。 混成式教學上建議如下:(1)在學校方面,以能推廣混成式教學應用於國中數學為目的(2)在教師方面,以提升教學品質,增進教學效能為主(3)在學生方面,則要加強學生討論回饋(4)在環境方面,則要佈置師生皆適宜教學環境。而對後續研究建議,可探討依照本研究混成式教學模式下,應用在不同學科、不同年級或不同背景下之影響。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the influences of blended learning on the math learning effectiveness and attitudes of junior high school students . This study implemented a quasi-experimental research design. The study participants were 55 seventh grade junior public high school students in Pingtung County who were divided into an experimental group (28 participants) and a control group (27 participants). Tests were conducted before and after experimental teaching sessions. Blended learning was used by the students in the experimental group, while traditional teaching methods were used for the control group students. In the experimental teaching, these different teaching methods constituted the independent variable used to investigate the influences of blended learning and traditional teaching on the students’ learning effectiveness and attitudes when learning mathematics. This study is based on the implementation of hybrid teaching method which is based on principles of blended learning.The design is through the combination of three aspects-non-synchronous online teaching, classroom digital learning and group knowledge sharing and the use of "FingerClick" IRS instant feedback system, an AVer F50-kind projector and FB teaching community as a teaching tool for hybrid teaching method. Pre-tests were conducted to measure the mathematics learning effectiveness before the experimental teaching. After the experiment was concluded, post-tests were conducted again to measure the mathematics learning effectiveness. In addition, mathematics measurement tests were conducted during the experimental process to determine the learning condition during the learning process. For the experimental group students, a mathematics learning attitude scale and system usage attitude questionnaire were used to provide measurements after the conclusion of experimental teaching. Descriptive statistics, paired-sample t-tests, single sample t-tests, multiple regression analyses, and single factor analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) analyses were conducted for both groups. The results of this study showed that(1) students receiving the blended learning instruction demonstrated significant improvements in their mathematics learning attitudes such as learning desires, learning process, learning method, mathematical beliefs, and total score,(2)As for the mathematics learning effectiveness, students in the experimental group (i.e., the blended learning group) had significantly higher post-test mathematical scores than students in the control group (i.e., the traditional learning group), including when ANCOVA analysis was used to control for the influence from pre-test scores. Blended teaching recommendations are as follows: (1) for the purpose to promote hybrid teaching applied in math in junior high school, (2) teachers, in order to enhance the quality of teaching, mainly to promote the effectiveness of teaching and learning, (3) At the student level,will have to strengthen the feedback and discussion for the students, (4) in the environment, teachers have to arrange the teaching and learning environment which are suitable for both teachers and students. The follow-up study suggests that the impact of applications in different subjects, different grades or different backgrouds, could be explored by blended teaching mode


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