  • 學位論文


Effects of LNT Program on Primary School Students’ LNT Knowledge and Environmental Attitude

指導教授 : 吳崇旗


本研究目的是在針對國小學童建構一套無痕山林課程,並於實施後分析學生在「準則知識」與「環境態度」之成效。本課程設計是融合無痕山林七大準則,搭配Attarian(1997)五大教學取向融入課程中(模範角色、機會教育、價值釐清、服務與時事討論),流程設計上參考Kolb(1984)提出的「經驗學習圈」做為流程安排的基礎,並將擬出課程的初稿經由體驗教育及無痕山林有關的專家、學者給予課程建議與修正,對國小學童進行先導研究,透過測驗結果再次修正課程內容,進行正式研究。 本研究正式研究對象為29位國小學童,以「準則知識」測驗與「環境態度」量表分別進行前測與後測以檢視課程實施成效,並利用SPSS 18.0 for Windows套裝軟體進行資料處理,統計方法包含:相依樣本t檢定、效果值比較。 學童們在經過本研究之無痕山林課程後,結果顯示如下:一、在準則知識,是非題構面中「在可承受的地點行走露營」、「尊重野生動植物」與「考量其他的使用者」達顯著的成長;選擇題構面中「在可承受的地點行走露營」、「適當處理垃圾維護環境」與「尊重野生動植物」達顯著水準。二、在環境態度上,「支持傾向」、「在乎資源」、「熱愛自然」、「改變自然」、「人類控制」五個構面皆呈現正向增長的現象。研究者歸納結論,並提出課程設計及未來研究建議,作為後續研究者之參考。


The purpose of this study was to construct a set of leave no trace courses and assess the effects of LNT knowledge and environmental attitude. The course design combined LNT principles and Attarian's five teaching orientations (including, role modeling, teachable moments, service, value clarification and current events), process design followed Kolb’s experiential learning circles as the basis, according to the experts and scholars’ instructions and suggestions, the draft course design were revised and mended for the pilot study and then for formal study. The participants of this study were 29 primary school students. The LNT knowledge and environmental attitude scales were taken to pretest and posttest the effects. Data analysis was conducted by SPSS 18.0 for Windows. The statistical methods included paired sample t-test and effect size. The results of this study were as follows: First, in true/false tests including “travel and camp on durable surfaces”, “respect wildlife” and “be considerate of other visitors” scores increased significantly as well as in multiple choice tests including “travel and camp on durable surfaces”, “dispose of waste properly” and “respect wildlife”. Secondly, in environmental attitude scale (including 5 subscales: intent of support, care with resources, enjoyment of nature, altering nature and human dominance) also showed increase in scores. The researchers summarized the conclusions and proposed the curricular design as well as the future study suggestions for the reference of the follow-up researchers.


江昱仁、 黃宗成、 郭孟妮、張文娟(2008)。 利用生態旅遊進行環境教育對學生環境認知、環境態度和環境行為的影響。運動休閒餐旅研究,3(4),69-99。
