  • 學位論文


The poison of pesticide on birds - a case study on the Adzuki bean farm in Pingtung, Taiwan

指導教授 : 孫元勳


農藥加保扶的使用,除了病蟲害防治外,部分農民以製成毒餌的方式濫用於鳥害防制,但少有研究進行探討。2012年秋季,屏東地區連續發生兩起黑鳶(Milvus migrans)因農藥加保扶中毒案例。有鑑於此,本研究於秋季對拾獲中毒黑鳶的鄰近4個鄉鎮進行農田毒害調查。紅豆是高屏地區秋季重要作物,播種初期易受鳥害,部分農戶會以毒害來控制。本研究共計調查130塊紅豆田,面積122.75公頃,其中發現27塊(20.7%)農地有死鳥,面積達40.07公頃,不同鄉鎮間被毒死鳥的數量有明顯差異,樣區內共記錄10科11種鳥種,超過3105隻的野鳥遭受毒害,包括可能為遭受次級毒害的紅隼(Falco tinnunculus)及黃頭鷺(Bubulcus ibis)。死亡的鳥類中,以食穀性鳥類麻雀(Passer montanus)及鳩鴿科(Columbidae)鳥類占多數,稻穀是最普遍的毒餌之一,送檢的11個樣本中皆檢驗出劇毒農藥加保扶,另外,雞鴨養殖場周邊的紅豆田與隨選農田毒鳥比例未達顯著。加保扶對鳥的毒性很高,食穀性鳥種最易受害,田間的屍體易被黑鳶、紅隼等猛禽取食,受次級毒害的風險增加。未來如何降低農田鳥類危害,以及管制農藥濫用的情況,值得進一步研究。


Carbofuran is a common agricultural insecticide but is also abused as a bird control pesticide by some farmers; yet, few studies have examined the extent to which carbofuran affects bird communities. We discovered two incidents of carbofuran poisoning in Black Kite (Milvus migrans) in Pingtung during fall of 2012, and thereafter conducted a survey to understand which species are prone to poisoning and how common it is for farmers to apply carbofuran for bird control. Red bean is an important local crop in fall and is known to suffer from bird damage and therefore receives bird controls. We selected four adjacent townships, including the one where we had discovered the poisoned Black Kites, and gathered dead birds in 130 red bean fields (122.75 ha). In 27 (40.07 ha) of these red bean fields, we found over 3105 dead birds from 10 families and 11 species, including Common a Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) and a Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis). Among the species, granivores such as House sparrow (Passer montanus) and Columbids were the primary victims due to the fact that rice is the most common poison bait used in these incidents. All 11 dead bird samples tested revealed carbofuran residue. The toxicity of carbofuran is relatively high for birds and only trace amounts can be lethal. Although granivores were the primary victims, scavengers like Black Kite and birds of prey as Common Kestrels may also fall victim to carbofuran since they prey on poisoned birds. We strongly suggest further study be continued, and that regulations of toxic chemicals be reinforced.


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