  • 學位論文


To Apply Cost-based TPM Program in Enhancing Operation erformance─A Case Study of Automotive Parts Manufacturer

指導教授 : 陳啟政


本研究目的在探討,汽車製造業組裝作業時,為何設備故障率偏高,且保養時後未依照其發生、嚴重度、影響度、損失金額,進行修護、無效率的浪費成本等,運用成本基礎型TPM營運規劃,對於設備故障,其嚴重度次數分析、建構新模式來管制其流程,以日常保養,定其保養,預防保養,減少設備故障次數,提高設備稼動率,減少生產成本浪費,來提昇營運績效、創造產業界的競爭優勢。 本研究第一優先進行之事,有關於設備故障所影響成本浪費,找出其問題點所在,加以分析發生真因,運用TPM管理手法,全面性實施設備保全活動,預防設備故障之發生,降低重工修護,成本之浪費。 建構新模式,來預防設備故障排除方法,判定設備故障其嚴重度,損失金錢,進行設備優先順序,許多企業界管理階層人員需求的,成本浪費過多,將會造成企業失去競爭力,也影響企業中營運模式。所以運用成本基礎型TPM規劃改善手法進行流程管制之研究,有良好的設備及保全技術,才能生產出良好的品質及供給之需求,降低成本,提昇營運績效。


TPM 成本基礎型 設備保全


This study aims to investigate, when automobile manufacturing assembly operates, (1) the cause of high malfunction rate, (2) the ineffective waste of cost caused by maintenances which are not in accordance with the occurrence, severity, influence and the losses, etc. We apply the cost basis type TPM operational planning to construct a new model focusing on analyzing the severity and the frequency of equipment malfunction, and controlling the procedure for daily, scheduled, and preventive maintenance to lower the frequency of malfunction, increase the utilization rate, decrease the waste of manufacturing cost, in order to enhance the operational performance and create the competitive advantages in the industry. The first priority of this study is to determine the key issue regarding the malfunction of the equipment which results in the waste of cost, further analyze the true cause, then apply TPM management practices to implement comprehensive equipment maintenance to prevent malfunction, reduce heavy repair and waste of cost. Constructing a new model to prevent and eliminate equipment malfunction, determine the severity of the malfunction, the loss of money, as well as the priorities of the equipment is demanded by numerous managerial personnel. Too much waste of cost will not only result in the loss of competitiveness of enterprises but also affect the mode of operation. Therefore, it is feasible to apply the cost basis type TPM planning to improve the study of the control of the procedures. Only with good equipment and a comprehensive preservation technology can an industry lower the cost and manufacture quality products to meet the demand and eventually enhance the operational performance.


張婉筠、王超弘(2014),運用TQM方法以提升製造與包裝的生產效能─以某品牌之網路攝影機為例2014第17屆科技整合管理研究會373-385頁6月22日台北DOL 10 6495/CIMBM 2014 026
