  • 期刊


Private Antitrust Litigation under the Concept of Deterrence-Policy Implications from the "Optimal Damages" Theory


傳統反托拉斯法(公平法)之研究多集中於實體要件之探討,文獻中討論違反競爭秩序行為之救濟方式與程度該如何選擇或是否妥當等問題者,則相對較少。而國內學者從「效率」此一在公平法實體面分析中占有重要考量地位的角度,思考公平法私人訴訟制度相關法律問題者,更屬少見。本文擬以「嚇阻」為公平法所欲實現之主要立法目的為出發點,就此一議題為深入之研究。以美國法之執法經驗與學者William Landes所提出之反托拉斯「最適損害賠償」理論為基礎,本文將就其對我國公平法中關於3倍損害賠償規定、反托拉斯私人訴訟立法例、當事人適格、與引進集體訴訟制度可行性等實體與程了面問題所具有之政策啓示為一詳細之評估。文末以提出可資進一步研究之議題作結。


In general, threshold issues have been the primary concerns for most antitrust literature. Relatiyely fewer studies have been devoted to the evaluation of the welfare effects inherent in the applicable remedies in private antitrust litigation. Still rarer has been discussion of this issue in Taiwan from the perspective of economic analysis, especially from the ”efficiency” consideration. In this article, I attempt to narrow this gap by introducing the ”deterrence” approach for the measurement of antitrust damages into the analysis of the Fair Trade Law (FTL) of Taiwan. Based on the ”optimal antitrust damages” formula proposed by Professor William Landes, I have derived therefrom some of the implications that might be informative for the implementation of the FTL's treble-damage rule, the interpretation of liability doctrine underlying its private litigation system, the determination of antitrust standing to sue, and the likely incorporation of class action system into the FTL. I close this article with a suggested list of issues relating to the operation of ”optimal damages” theory for futher exploration.


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紀鈞涵(2005)。當事人適格與判決效力主觀範圍擴張之研究 ──以集團性紛爭處理程序為中心〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2005.01717
