  • 期刊


Discourse on Romantic Love and New Sexual Morality in the 1920s: Exemplified by Three Debates in Which Zhang Xichen Took Part


1920年代,可謂近代中國闡揚戀愛與新性道德思想的重要階段。那是繼五四之後,界定與確立戀愛及新性道德意涵的關鍵年代,眾多報刊媒體結合婦女與情慾問題,沸沸揚揚地進行各類相關譯述、討論與筆戰。此外,那也是革命的集體主義迅速興起並席捲中國社會的年代,有關戀愛與新性道德的論述,除了殘存的五四個人主義精神及科學論據之外,又摻雜了甚至影響力更大的優生學說、社會主義集體解放論、以及國族主義論述。因此,探究戀愛與新性道德論述在1920年代的發展及演變,實有其思想文化上的重要性。 本文藉由個案式探討,進一步爬梳1920年代的戀愛與新性道德論述內涵、及其演變。筆者選擇以章錫琛(1889-1969)做爲討論對象,集中分析他在1920年代先後擔任《婦女雜誌》(1915-1931)與《新女性》(1926-1929)月刊主編期間的言論,並透過他參與戀愛與新性道德課題的三次論戰始末,延伸觀察各種與他理念相左的戀愛及性道德論見,以呈現當時社會討論愛慾課題的多種立場與豐富樣貌。 本文在章節安排上,先從《新青年》對貞操與戀愛的相關論述、以及章錫琛主編時期(1921-1925)的《婦女雜誌》相關內容出發,一來爬梳五四及其後愛慾思想的發展與演進理路,二來歸結《婦女雜誌》主編群對戀愛及新性道德主題的論述基調。其次,依時間順序,探討三次論戰的來龍去脈,及論戰雙方針對戀愛與新性道德的攻防重點。繼而以《新女性》在1928年後半期進行的「新戀愛問題」討論爲例,分析這場由論戰延伸出的投書交流,所透露的新思潮走向。結論將綜述這三次論戰與章錫琛的言論互動折射出的戀愛與新性道德觀點,及其時代與思想意涵。


戀愛 新性道德 章錫琛 婦女雜誌 新女性


The decade of 1920s could be claimed as an important phase for the promotion of thoughts on romantic love and new sexual morality. It crucially followed the May Fourth period to define and explicate these notions, and it was also a phase when multifarious translations poured in from abroad, fostering much discussion and dispute. In addition, during the 1920s enthusiasm for revolutionary collectivism rose up and swept over Chinese society. Discourses on love and new sexual morality not only carried the heritage of May Fourth-style individualist ideals and scientific proofs, but also were infused with eugenics, socialist, and nationalist principles. Therefore, we need to the cultural and intellectual significance of the development and evolution of thoughts on romantic love and new sexual morality in 1920s China. This article is a case study of this issue as exemplified by three debates in which Zhang Xichen (1889-1969) took part. Zhang took the position of editor-in-chief first of The Ladies' Journal from 1921 to 1925, then The New Woman from 1926 to 1929, through which he managed to lead all kinds of discussions on issues of romantic love and new sexual morality, as well as advocate those ideas. By looking at the texts and contexts of the three debates that Zhang participatedin, this article demonstrotes the diverse beliefs and viewpoints toward love and sex at that time, thus carving out the trajectory of discourses on these related issues in the decade of 1920s. This article deals first with the genealogy of thoughts on romantic love and chastity-from which developed the notion of new sexual morality-from the famous New Youth in the late 1910s to The Ladies' Journal in its first half of the 1920s, highlighting the key features of the latter during the period of Zhang's editorship. Then, the subsequent debates, one in 1925, one in 1926, and the last in 1927-1928, will be discussed and explored. Following these three debates, I will indicate the evolving trends of thought on love and sex with the ”Discussion on the Question of New Romantic Love” put forward in The New Woman by Zhang Xichen right after the third debate. I will conclude with an analysis based on the interactions of the different stances on love, sex and morality within these debates and discussions.




