  • 期刊


From Civil Service Examinations to New Schools: Ts'e Lun and Knowledge Transformation in the Late Ch'ing Period, 1901-1905


光緒27年(101)政府下詔改科舉試法,明令自第二年開始,廢八股,試策論,使中國政治史事論與各國政治藝學策,從此成為科舉三場中最主要的項目。此一變革非但落實了長期以來朝臣士子對於改良科舉的要求,並且被視為是學堂全面取代科舉前的重要過渡方案。一般認為策論之試,因講求實學而與學堂趨近,然而策論與學堂在考求知識的方法、態度和目標上有何差異?實行不到四年的策論之試,在近代中國知識轉型的過程中又扮演了什麼樣角色? 本文嘗試以各省鄉會試錄、題名錄與歷科朱卷、墨卷為對象,討論策論如何由一種通商口岸流行的資訊,在制度化的過程中逐漸演變成一種知識的過程,及其所象徵的知識意涵,並且分析制度化之後的策論之試,如何導致科舉全面為學堂取代的原因。


策論 科舉 知識轉型 資訊 知識


In 1901 the Ch'ing government ordered a change in format for the civil examinations, replacing the eight-legged essay with ts'e lun (policy and discourse) questions, effective the following year. The ”Chung-kuo cheng-chih shi-shi-lun” (discourses on the history of Chinese politics) and ”ke-kuo cheng-chih i-hsueh-ts'e” (policy questions on world politics) thenceforth became the focus of preparation for all three sessions of the examinations. This change not only addressed the demand of officials and literati for reform of the examination system, but was also considered a critical transition for a future full-scale replacement of the examinations by the new schools. It was believed that the ts'e lun, with its pragmatic nature, was closer to the pedagogy of the new schools. However, regardless of their similarities, we can also see differences in methodology, attitudes and objectives for knowledge acquisition between ts'e lun and the new schools. Still, even though ts'e lun were only used for less than four years, they did play a significant role in the process of knowledge transformation in modern China. This article firs discusses how ts'e lun in itself was gradually transformed from the information popular at coastal treaty ports into an institutionalized knowledge system based on materials such as hui-shi-luand hsiang-shih-lu (records of metropolitan and provincial examinations), t'i-ming-lu (civil service examination rolls), and chu-chuan and mo-chuan (scripts and copies of examination essays). Second, it analyzes how institutionalized ts'e lun led ultimately to the replacement of the civil examinations by the new schools.




