  • 期刊


A Relationship Study of College Students' Language Learning Strategies in a Web-based English Laboratory


本研究目的在了解大學生在網路英文自習教室之學習行為,並分析其學習行為與英文學習策略和英文能力之間的關係。研究對象為103位中原大學工學院一年級學生。網路英文自習課程架設在中原大學i-Learning網路學習平台,目的在提供學生課後的英文自習環境與資源。 本研究收集的資料包括:(1)托福測驗前測成績、(2)英語學習策略調查表(Chinese SILL, Version 7.0)(Oxford, 1990)分數、與(3)網路英文自習教室的線上學習行為資料(包括上課次數、討論次數、閱讀時數、閱讀頁數、與閱讀進度)。資料的分析採用敘述統計與皮爾森相關分析以了解研究因子的分佈情形與相關程度。研究結果顯示,學生的線上討論次數與後設認知、記憶、和社會等英文學習策略呈現顯著的相關。在英文能力方面,托福成績和英語學習策略分數呈顯著的相關,與網課學習行為則無顯著的相關。本論文也提供相關的教學應用建議與未來可行的研究方向。


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationships among language learning strategies, English proficiency, and learning behaviors in a Web-based English laboratory. This study used 103 Taiwanese college students in an English Listening and Speaking course. The Web-based classroom was established with the purpose to provide self-access learning environments and resources. Data were collected through Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (S.I.L.L.), TOEFL test, and an online recording system built in i-Learning. Analyses were based on the hypotheses and descriptive data as well as the Pearson correlation coefficients among the three factors (S.I.L.L. scores, TOEFL scores, learning behaviors) were reported. The results demonstrated that the correlation between S.I.L.L. scores and TOEFL scores was significant. However, the correlation coefficient between TOEFL scores and learning behaviors was not significant. For learning behaviors and language learning strategies, the number of online discussions was significantly correlated with metacognitive strategies, memory strategies, and social strategies. This paper highlights some implications for English teachers. The limitations of this study and suggestions for future research are also provided.
