  • 期刊


On Critical Characteristics in Architectural Works




Literary criticism clarify its confusion, when architectural criticism is looking for its way under the prosperity of contemporary observations. Generally speaking contemporary observations in twenty century, there are many theories like Phenomenology、Existentialism、Structuralism Linguistics and Semiotics、Hermeneutics、Reception Aesthetics、Reader-Response Criticism、Deconstruction and so on, they have led Modernism to Post-Modernism in the fields of architecture and society. Today in twenty-one century, how architectural criticism should across the fence of Roland Bather's ”The author's death”, and should build up critical field itself. And it bring up a critical text itself between designer、critic and reader they are something to do with architectural works. This is the point of this paper. It is the main method by philosophy Hermeneutics to discuss critical characteristics of architectural works, from point of view about dialogue game where architectural works、designer and critic participate together at the same time. And it will also clarify the meaning of these critical characteristics.

