  • 期刊


The Research of Rest Home Building Arranges the Smoke Equipment Constitution


當火災發生時,煙擴散速度比火快速,火災中的傷亡大都因為濃煙所導致,為火災中的主要致命因素。安養機構大多為高齡者或行動不便等避難弱者所居住,其所需的逃生避難時間也較長,但在安養機構類型建築物的排煙設備規範中,依據建築技術規則設計施工篇第一百條,『本編第六十九條第一類、第四類使用及第二類之養老院、兒童福利設施之建築物,其每層樓地板面積超過五○○平方公尺者。但每一○○平方公尺以內以分間牆或以防煙壁區劃分隔者,得以免設排煙設備』。因此當安養機構發生火災時,符合法規免設排煙設備的情形之下,其人員是否有充足的避難時間,能夠安全的逃生,有其探討之必要。 本研究之逃生避難時間乃依照內政部建築研究所之「建築物防火避難安全性能驗證技術手冊」來運算逃生避難所需時間,及FDS火災動態模擬軟體模擬運算危險波及時間,最後比較逃生避難時間與危險波及時間,並和法規進行檢討,分析排煙設備的設置對人員逃生難易度之影響。經由比較結果得知,當小於一○○平方公尺之空間發生火災時,當人員處於清醒狀態下,火災情報順利傳遞的情況下,在危險波及時間之前人員已完成避難,因此排煙設備的設置並無其影響;但若人員在睡眠狀態下,發生火災時,人員則無法在避難容許時間之內,完成避難,因此需要增設排煙設備,來延遲危險波及的時間。


When fire breaks out, the speed for the proliferation of smoke is sooner than the flame. Based on former experiences, casualties occurred mainly due to the dense smoke hazard. Therefore, dense smoke is the main lethal factor for a fire accident. The residential care home is the place to let people who are elder or handicapped live and refuge, and the time that is needed for people to evacuate from the residential care home is longer. The standards of smoke management equipments for residential care home buildings is according to the Building Design and Construction Part of Taiwan Building Technical Code No.100. It shows ”On each floor area of the buildings for the residential care home and children welfare facilities is more than 500 m^2 and without enough walls to separate the area that need to be installed smoke management equipments.” When fire breaks out at a residential care home, it's in a situation which is according to the regulation without smoke management equipments. We need to probe into that if there is enough time for people to evacuate and escape safely or not. In this study, the ABRI Manual for Fire Risk assessment has been applied to compute the fire escaping time. We also use FDS (Fire Dynamic Simulator) software to simulate affected time for danger and then compares with escaping time and discusses with codes. The smoke management equipments installed or not will be analyzed with the difficulty for people to escape. The result of this research is: When fire breaks out in a space which is smaller than 100 m^2, people are conscious and fire information deliver clear, people can evacuate before the effect from the danger. Therefore, there is no effect on smoke management equipments. But if when fire breaks out, people are sleeping. People don't have enough time to evacuate, and then the smoke management equipments need to be installed to delay the time to be affected.
