  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Sub-district Official Buildings in Early Colonial Taiwan


支廳制度爲日治前期殖民地臺灣地方治理之關鍵,創制初期爲一完全之警察機關,下轄警察官吏派出所。但隨著警察官吏涉入地方行政漸深,支廳在地方治理上之重要性甚至勝過地方廳,成爲兼理警察與地方行政之權力中心。本文即試圖藉由文獻研究,重構支廳制度做爲一種殖民制度與支廳舍做爲一種殖民建築類型之生成與變遷過程。 首先,支廳初設時多襲用舊有家屋,之後方漸次新築。新築之支廳舍,將辦務廳舍與官舍分隔二區,並以廳舍面對主要道路,以顯官廳形象。辦務廳舍以行政辦務空間與司法審訊空間爲主,並以U字型之空間架構組織。其中,事務室、留置場與巡查休憩所在空間構成上相互連結一體,以及正面角隅塔樓所形成之不對稱型態,使得支廳舍做爲一種新的建築類型獨具特色,凸顯其爲地方警察權力之中心。但在1909後隨著支廳制度將警察與地方行政統一,支廳舍建築型態亦漸趨向於日治時期一般行政官廳之樣態。 研究成果呈現了支廳舍由爲特定目的而創生之純粹警察機關建築,到兼理警察與地方行政而漸趨向一般行政官署的變遷過程;此過程並反映了日人對臺殖民統治策略的改變。


警察 地方行政 支廳制度 支廳舍 殖民


Sub-district system, as a police institution had control over several police substations under its jurisdiction, was a unique institution for the ruling of colonized Taiwanese in early colonial Taiwan (1901-1920). With the transformation of the government institution, however, the sub-district played a more important role than the district because the police involved the local administration deeper and deeper. This article, as part of the study of the local police architecture in early colonial Taiwan, attempts to reconstruct how the sub-district system as a colonial institution and sub-district architecture as a colonial building type were created and transformed at the different colonial stages by reviewing the document. Initial sub-district official buildings appropriated old buildings and were built new later. New built sub-district official buildings’ site was divided into two parts by its functions: one for public business which was toward the main street and another private living at the back. Administrational and juridical rooms were the main spaces in it and were organized as U shape. Moreover, both the composition of office, temporary jail and police patrol restroom as a whole one, and the asymmetric layout shaped by the angle tower, made the sub-district architecture unique as the core of police power. With the reform of sub-district system united the police and the local administration into one system in 1909, its layout was resembled the general local administrational buildings during the Japanese period. The research result manifests that the transformation of sub-district architecture, from as an overall police architecture into a governmental building involved both police and local administration, reflected the changes of Japanese colonial policies for colonizing Taiwanese.




