  • 期刊


Effects of e-PRM on Channel Power, Collaborative Commerce Relationship, and Organization Performance of Collaborative Channel




Electronic Business (e-Business) changes the nature of business transactions generally by purchase processes, enhancing correct and real time information availability, fostering closer in a retail distribution channel context, changing the relative power of channel members, improving inter-organization operation coordination, and long-term relationships as the basis of sustainable competitive advantage. This paper examines the effects of electronic integration on electronic partner relationship management (e-PRM), channel power, and channel performance on collaborative commerce on channel performance from the point of view of the retailer. A research model based on initial three case organizations and is followed up by an analysis of interview questionnaire survey data. According to case organizations, e-Business enhances information sharing and the quality of communication; increases the level of trust, interaction, and commitment to Information sharing; fosters long-term relationships, and increases profits. The results of analysis of the survey data are: e-PRM has significant positive association with non-coercive and reward power, and significant negative association with coercive power. In addition, the e-PRM has a positive relationship with collaborative commerce and channel performance. Non-coercive and reward power, trust, and interaction have significant association with collaborative commerce. Coercive and reward power have significant associations with channel cooperation performance.


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