  • 期刊


An Empirical Study on the Effect of Stevedoring Services Privatization on the Operation Efficiency of Keelung Port


本文以基隆港之貨櫃輪、散貨輪、雜貨輪與穀類輪為對象,以民營化前一年半及後三年,即自1997年7月至2001年12月之船舶靠泊碼頭時各項裝卸相關作業時間為資料,檢視裝卸作業民營化在裝卸效率改進之成效。本文首先將基隆港船舶靠泊碼頭裝卸貨物之作業分解為八個項目,分析後認為與基隆港裝卸作業民營化直接相關之作業只有準備裝卸階段、實際裝卸作業與機具損壞修理時間三項。又將影響這三項作業時間的船舶與裝卸量差異因素排除,留下直接與民營化有關的民營公司裝卸作業管理效果做為檢定的測量變數,並以時間數列分析之Doldado, Jenkinson與Sosvilla-Rivero模式檢定其顯著性。研究發現民營化後,由民營公司產生的裝卸作業管理效果,在以單位裝卸量實際作業時間表示之淨裝卸效率的確存在,但因其他因素而減少其對整體裝卸效率的貢獻,此結果值得未來制定政策之參考。


This paper examines the effect of the privatization of stevedoring services on the operational performance of Keelung Port in Taiwan. The privatization was implemented in January 1999. The mooring times of container chips, general cargo ships, bulk carriers, and grain carriers from July 1997 to December 2001 (54 months) are analyzed. The objective of the paper is to show how privatization has affected the cargo handling efficiency at the port. In order to control the work items involved in the process of ship mooring, total mooring time is divided into mutually exclusive phases. It is presumed that only 3 out of the 8 phases are related to privatization directly. These phases include preparation time, actual cargo moving time, and equipment repairing time. The structural change models of the series of preparation time, actual cargo moving time, and equipment repairing time are tested by the procedure proposed by Doldado et al. (1990) after excluding the experience factor from pre-privatization. Evidence shows that stevedoring privatization effect on management is significant while the effect on other aspects of operation is inclusive. However, the total mooring time of general cargo ships has considerably decreased since privatization. Although 34% of the decrease in mooring time is contributed by deregulation of day-time work restrictions, l2% of the decrease can be attributed to the privatization policy. In summary, the effect of the stevedoring services' privatization on the operation efficiency of Keelung Port is significant. This finding will have important implications for policy choices and establishment in the future.


