  • 期刊


A Comparison of Curriculum Reform Trends in Elementary and Junior High Schools between Taiwan and Japan


從比較臺灣的《國民教育階段九年一貫課程總綱綱要》以及日本的中、小學校學習指導要領、《課程基準之改革報告書》 等1998年最新公布的資料可發現,臺灣新世紀中小學課程規畫採取積極前進的步調,而日本則抱持著穩健保守的做法。「課程目標」方面:臺灣揭櫫整體課程的十項課程目標及基本能力;日本仍維持在各學科分年段列舉目標,並強調「基本內容」嚴選與確保。「課程統整」方面:臺灣採取「學習領域」的理念,並強調學校本位課程發展;日本仍以學科為架構,另開設「綜合學習時間」實施統整課程。「課程連貫」方面:臺灣透過課程綱要明確規範「九年一貫」的規畫;日本則可從教育課程審議會的整體規畫中與中、小學學習指導要領的一貫體例看出其講求課程連貫的做法。期待臺灣未來能評估「課程目標」、「課程統整」方面的實施成效,以提升基本能力測驗、統整課程與學校本位課程發展等的專業水準。並期盼兩國能進行K-12一貫的課程規畫。


In September 1998, the Ministry of Education of Taiwan promulgated ”The General Guidelines for the Consistent 9-year Curriculum of Elementary and Junior High Schools,” which will be implemented in 2001. In November 1998, the Ministry of Education of Japan also promulgated curriculum guidelines for elementary and junior high schools, which will be implemented in 2002. These new curriculum guidelines of the two countries, show that the curriculum reform in Taiwan will be progressive while curriculum reform in Japan will be conservative in the near future.On curriculum objective: Taiwan's new curriculum guideline emphasizes the ten general curriculum objectives and the ten ”basic abilities” to be the base of curriculum development of all subjects. Japan's new curriculum guidelines still list the objectives according to the subjects and the grades. On curriculum integration: Taiwan's new curriculum guideline emphasizes the curriculum integration through adopting the idea of ”learning fields.” Japan's new curriculum guidelines continue to use the idea of ”subject” to construct the curriculum framework, but it also establishes the ”period for integrated study” to implement the integrated curriculum.On curriculum articulation: Taiwan's new curriculum guideline emphasizes curriculum articulation by adopting the framework of consistent 9-year curriculum (from 1st grade to 9th grade). In Japan's new curriculum guidelines, the curriculum articulation was achieved through the overall curriculum planning by the Curriculum Council and the consistent form in both the curriculum guidelines for elementary schools and lower secondary schools.The implementation of the progressive ideas in Taiwan's new curriculum guideline, such as ”basic ability,” ”learning field,” ”integrated curriculum” and ”school based curriculum development,” should be evaluated in the near future to improve the profession of curriculum development.


