  • 期刊


Study on Theory and Practice of Multi-Grade Teaching-Taking Jenaplan School in Germany as an Example




The history of mixed age teaching in Germany can be traced back to almost a century ago. Among the various reforms conducted in several education schools in the first half of the 20th century, almost all had advocated teaching in the multi-grade classes. One of the most prestigious and long-lasting types of schools has been the Jena Plan School. As for Taiwan, in response to the impact of declining birthrates, certain educational policies have been introduced to encourage schools in remote areas to implement mixed-age arrangements, mixed-age teaching, or school-type experimental education to improve students' learning effectiveness. This research first explores the significance, advantages, teaching organization, and key points of mixed-age teaching through literature analysis, hoping to help practitioners grasp the essentials of mixed-age teaching. Then, based on a visit to the Jena Project School in Germany, the actual operation was further introduced, with some significant points commented: (1) The mixed-age teaching method can be flexibly deployed and used depending on the related curriculum, learning content, and progress; (2) The school specifically emphasizes the importance of developing students' basic abilities; (3) Through different teaching designs, the school has also notably enhanced the interdisciplinary social abilities brought by mixed-age teaching method; (4) In mixed-age classes, the individualized learning and cooperative learning are both taken into account in curriculum and teacher's teaching design.


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